Torchwood IMs by a_silver_story | Chapter List

Nov 26, 2010 01:16

Genre: Humour
Rating: PG / NC-17
Warnings: Implied M/M
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch. However, I am not a rich rich rich bitch so you may all, therefore, assume I own nothing. Which I don't. It all belongs RTD and the BBC, in case any of you didn't know.
Summary: This started out as a one-shot IM, but people liked and asked for more and it became a series ...

01 | Ianto and Gwen's IM's
02 | Ianto and Southern Comfort
03 | Skiving with Captain Andy
04 | Ianto and Jack's IMs
05 | Tosh? Gossiping? Never!
06 | What Toshiko Saw ... (Prose)
07 | Captain Andy handles the Force
08 | Ianto and SOCO Strikes Back
09 | Into the Boardroom (Prose)
10 | Ianto's, Tosh's, Gwen and Jack's IMs
11 | Ianto and Rhys' IMs
12 | Obtained File: CPD/Torchwood Liaison Meeting #13
13 | What Toshiko Wants (Prose)
14 | The In-Laws
15 | Mike
16 | Ianto and Jack's Snuggles
17 | Sorry, mam ... I mean ... Gwen
18 | Kisses
19 | Australia
20 | White and Nerdy
21 | I Didn't Miss You (prose)
22 | Gwen and Rhiannon's IMs
23 | The Waiting Room
24 | The Glitch (Interacticve; IE users check comments for instructions)
25 | Obtained File: Torchwood/CPD Liaison Meeting #14
26 | Ianto and Rhys VS SOCO and Cool
27 | Ianto and Rhys VS SOCO and Cool (Translation)
28 | Ianto and Gwen: The Morning After
29 | PC Andy's Application
30 | Jack Learns About Archiving.
31 | Ianto and Gwen's IMs II
32 | Ianto and Jack Talk Weddings
33 | The Reception (Prose)
34 | Ianto's Monologue
35 | Rhys Knows Best
36 | A Different Way of Communicating (Prose)
37 | Ianto + Rhys = Drunk
38 | Ianto Discovers ...
39 | ... Something New
40 | During the Invasion #1
41 | During the Invasion #2
42 | During the Invasion #3
43 | Poor Jack ... ish
44 | A Bit of Panic
45 | Jack and Ianto's Demons
46 | Rhiannon's Request
47 | Impulse Buys
48 | Day One
49 | Day Five
50 | At The Pub
51 | The Weevil Hunt
52 | Jack and Ianto's Morning IM
53 | Another Next Day
54 | New Secrets
55 | Gwen's Party #1 (Prose)
56 | Gwen's Party #2
57 | Apologish
58 | Libraries and the Jam
59 | Rhiannon's Suspicions
60 | Jack's Punishment
61 | Jack and Ianto's New Agreement
62 | Jack Discovers Something New
63 | Ianto + Rhys = Police Escort
64 | Rhys' Reminiscing and Jack's Boardroom
65 | Gwen's Late
66 | Jack's Troubles
67 | Eating Out
68 | Clear Head
69 | A Tiny Disaster
70 | It Gets Better
71 | Final Day
72 | Rhiannon's Reaction
73 | Ianto and Rhys, with a Text From Jack
74 | Ianto, Jack and Gwen's IMs
75 | Ianto and Jack's emails
76 | Gwen's got Flu
77 | Jack and Ianto's New Game
78 | Ianto and Gwen's IMs III
79 | Ianto's Gift
80 | Jack and Ianto
81 | Andy's Interview
82 | Close Shave
83 | Jack's Proposal
84 | Unemployment, and Jack's Suggestions
85 | Ianto's Birthday (1)
86 | Ianto's Birthday (2)
87 | Ianto's Birthday (3)
88 | Ianto's Birthday (4)
89 | Breaking the News
90 | Rushing
91 | The Internet is For ....
92 | Sickening ... just ... sickening ...
93 | Auction
94 | Secrets
95 | Under Construction

fanfic index, ims

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