Torchwood IMs: Ianto and Rhys' IMs

Jun 04, 2009 02:25

Title: Ianto and Rhys' IMs
Chapter: 11
Characters: Ianto Jones, Rhys Willams
Author: a_silver_story
Genre Humour
Rating: 15, one cuss
Warnings: Implied M.M
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch. However, I am not a rich rich rich bitch so you may all, therefore, assume I own nothing. Which I don't. It all belongs RTD and the BBC, in case any of you didn't know.
Summary: Ianto and Rhys bond over a chat about wardrobes and metaphorical buses.

01 | Ianto and Gwen's IM's
02 | Ianto and Southern Comfort
03 | Skiving with Captain Andy
04 | Ianto and Jack's IMs
05 | Tosh? Gossiping? Never!
06 | What Toshiko Saw ... (Prose)
07 | Captain Andy handles the Force
08 | Ianto and SOCO Strikes Back
09 | Into the Boardroom (Prose)
10 | Ianto's, Tosh's, Gwen and Jack's IMs

RHYS has entered the conversation

RHYS: Evenin’

MR JONES: Hey Rhys.

RHYS: Hows u?
RHYS: And for a secret organization, isn’t a hotmail account a little easy to hack?

MR JONES: You can’t start sentences with connectives.
MR JONES: There’s nothing official in here. Just a couple of things from my sister and few emails offering me penis enlargements.

RHYS: Haha! That kind of spam really gets on my wick.

MR JONES: I don’t mind the spam … it’s the ones forwarded from my mam that really hurt.


MR JONES: How’s the wardrobe and shelf working out?

RHYS: Fine, fine. Stuff goes on the shelf and doesn’t fall off and stuff goes in the wardrobe and the rail doesn’t fall down … I’d say it was a job well done, mate.

MR JONES: … no thanks to you ;^P

RHYS: Oi! I was as helpful as a supervisor could be! *hmph*

MR JONES: You made an alright cuppa tea.

RHYS: lol
RHYS: Just wondering, but would you fancy coming out for a drink sometime with me and the lads?

MR JONES: Really?

RHYS: Yeahhh. I figured you’re a bit of alright. If you’re anything like Gwen, you’re not getting out as much as you need to. Why not come out with me and the lads? Have a drink, talk rugby, harass the tourists, laugh at the Valley kids on a night out …

MR JONES: Sounds fun! When are you usually out?

RHYS: Fridays, Saturdays and the odd Wednesday.

MR JONES: I think I can make this Wednesday. Is it alright if I invite Jack?

RHYS: Oh aye. If he does come, please tell him to keep his hands to himself. My mates are alright, but our local’s a bit … judgmental of fella’s who “bat on the women’s team” if you get me …

MR JONES: Keep his hands to himself?? I’ll leave him at home. It’ll be easier for him.

RHYS: You two live together now?

MR JONES: Not exactly.

RHYS: How exactly?

MR JONES: I got to my flat once a week or so. Do laundry, dust, hoover, check my post. Sometimes we stay there. Get away from the hub, y’know.

RHYS: How long you two been together then?

MR JONES: Not sure. I estimate … technically … about 2 years.

RHYS: Not sure? “estimate”?

MR JONES: It’s complicated.

RHYS: Okie dokie. Won’t pry.

MR JONES: Wow. So opposites do attract … Gwen would have me on the floor in a headlock until I told her the exact details of everything that had ever happened in my life ever.

RHYS: lmao I can see what you mean. I decided to be a bit romantic and buy her flowers the other day.
RHYS: She started getting all suspicious, asking what I’d done, what did she need to forgive me for … she didn’t stop asking questions until she had my exact psychological chain of thought as to why I needed to buy her flowers filed away in her mind.

MR JONES: Oh I doubt Gwen files. I’d imagine her mind is like an endless corridor full of posters and post-it notes that form some kind of organized chaos.

RHYS: yeah. I can see her mind being like that.

MR JONES: I bet yours is like a map.

RHYS: Yeah! It kind of is, actually!

MR JONES: Everything remembered in sequence.

RHYS: Yeah. I’d never thought of it like that before! How’d you figure that out?

MR JONES: You work in logistics and you’re a sports fan.

RHYS: Ahhh.
RHYS: What’s your head like?

MR JONES: I have a Memory Palace. Rooms filled with tables and filing cabinets and bookshelves. Each room is for something different. So if I need to remember, say, what was the first present I got on my 18th birthday, I can go to the third door on the left on the ground floor and find the information stored there.

RHYS: Wow. I think I need to start doing that. How do you manage to keep all that?

MR JONES: Triggers. Remember which room you might want, and everything triggers from there.
MR JONES: I got the idea from Hannibal Lecter.

RHYS: The cannibal?


RHYS: Ha. As long as you don’t eat Gwen, I’m fine with that.

MR JONES: … tell me the double entendre wasn’t intended.

RHYS: :o! No is wasn’t!

MR JONES: Sorry, it’s just with Jack every comment is usually innuendo and you have to be careful what you say.

RHYS: Bloody Americans. Over-worked, over-sexed … and over here.

MR JONES: I believe the correct response to that would be: LMAO?

RHYS: Heh ^_^

MR JONES: I , too, am a fan of Chicken Run.

RHYS: Well, it is one of the best British films ever made.

MR JONES: Even if it did have Mel Gibson in it.

RHYS: Ne’er a truer word been said, my friend.

MR JONES: Soooo …
MR JONES: Who’ll be coming on Wednesday? Could I have a few names to go by? Something to fit a face to when I get there?

RHYS: Well, there’s Daf. He’s mental.
RHYS: There’s Daffyd. He’s mental.
RHYS: There’s Nick. He’s mental.
RHYS: Then there’s Banana Boat. He’s quite normal.

MR JONES: Ahhh I know who Banana Boat is. Best man at your wedding?

RHYS: That’s the one.

MR JONES: He carried a torch for Tosh, if I remember rightly.

RHYS: He did!

MR JONES: She still doesn’t want to know, in case he’s wondering.

RHYS: Oh he spotted another attractive woman who had a post code. He probably won’t be able to place her.

MR JONES: Haha! He sounds like Jack.
MR JONES: Probably not as successful, though.

RHYS: No haha.

MR JONES: Probably because he doesn’t have the coat. ;)

RHYS: That is an impressive coat. I bet it’s a bastard to keep clean.

MR JONES: Not really. I think he’s used some kind of alien technology on it to make it magical. It never has a hole in it, never stains. Hardly ever goes to the dry cleaners - well, hardly ever used to. I’ve managed to get its number of visits up to twice a year.

RHYS: Haha. I’m guessing you’re the wife in this relationship?

MR JONES: My display name says Mr. Jones. MISTER. *hmph*

RHYS: Haha!

MR JONES: I suppose I am quite wifey.

RHYS: Ianto? You know how you like … ride on the other bus, so to speak?

MR JONES: I don’t permanently ride the “other” bus. I have a lifetime pass for the one you’re on, too.

RHYS: Oh … Well, swing both ways, then?

MR JONES: Yeah …

RHYS: Do you understand women better?

MR JONES: Er … I don’t know.

RHYS: I’ve been wondering … if I ever thought Gwen was wavering away … what should I do?

MR JONES: Woahhh … I’ve only known you socially for a few hours and you’re asking me for relationship advice?

RHYS: Sorry.

MR JONES: It’s okay. It’s always easier to talk to people you don’t properly know about stuff like that I suppose.

RHYS: Yeah.

MR JONES: Well …
MR JONES: I think you should just … I dunno. Clean the oven. Wash out the fridge. Make her a cup of tea in the morning.

RHYS: I do that anyway.

MR JONES: … so you’re a wife too?

RHYS: Yes! Haha!

MR JONES: Do something couple-y. Something that’ll stand out. I’m not one for spontaneity myself, but I think Gwen is. What about a day out to Blackpool Pleasure Beach?

RHYS: I’m a bag holder.

MR JONES: Ahh okay.
MR JONES: When I was with my ex-girlfriend, she was always nagging on at me to take her to Venture.

RHYS: Venture?

MR JONES: A photographers. You go in a white room, take your shoes and socks off and fool around and have a laugh while the photographer takes pictures. Then you pick one you want and you can have it in small frame for your desk, a big frame for above the fire, a round frame, a lightbox, a collage, a panorama, a jigsaw.

RHYS: How much?

MR JONES: It’s really expensive, but if you want to have a constant reminder of how much you love each other I think there’s nothing better than a massive picture of you both laughing together, and the memory of the day flooding back.

RHYS: Aww. I’ll think about it.
RHYS: Did you ever take your ex?

MR JONES: No. We had an appointment, but we never made it.

RHYS: What happened?

MR JONES: Torchwood happened.

RHYS: Oh. She died?


RHYS: How?

MR JONES: Painfully.

RHYS: I’m sorry.

MR JONES: Yeah. Everyone is.

RHYS: What was her name?
RHYS: Sorry I’m nosy-ing.

MR JONES: It’s okay. It was a long time ago.
MR JONES: Her name was Lisa.

RHYS: It must’ve been hard for you.

MR JONES: Hard? Imagine losing Gwen when there’s nothing you can do but watch her die.

RHYS: I can’t imagine losing Gwen. Jesus Ianto, I’m so sorry.

MR JONES: It’s okay :^)
MR JONES: Besidessssss I have Jack now!

RHYS: Yay!

MR JONES: Anyway … I’ll see you Wednesday then?

RHYS: :) yep!


RHYS: See ya.

MR JONES: Night x

MR JONES has left the conversation


N/B: I wrote this chapter before the release of "The House That Jack Built", and the idea of Ianto having a Memory Palace was also investigated in that book. I totally squee-ed when I saw it. MASSIVE I TOLD YOU SO!

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