Apr 09, 2023 06:00
- Sat, 16:45: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1940 | A French Jewish girl, Jacqueline Benguigui, was born in #Paris. She arrived at #Auschwitz on 25 June 1…
- Sat, 16:45: RT @ ResisterSis20: DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control. He will call it the Florida State Guar…
- Sat, 16:47: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1937 | A French Jewish girl, Nelly Stopnicki, was born in #Nancy. She arrived at #Auschwitz on 2 September 19…
- Sat, 17:23: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1932 | A Polish Jewish girl, Debora Chaja Strassberg, was born in Narol. She emigrated to Belgium. In 1942 sh…
- Sat, 17:31: 😆😆😆 https://t.co/VfG5o1hwjQ
- Sat, 17:32: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1920 | A Polish woman. Janina Żołądkiewicz, was born. In #Auschwitz from 15 January 1943. No. 29192 In 1944…
- Sat, 18:00: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: April 8 is the International Roma Day. Remember & learn about the fate of some 23,000 #Sinti and #Roma who were deport…
- Sat, 18:00: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1920 | A Pole, Leszek Adamus, was born in Warsaw. A clerk. In #Auschwitz from 15 August 1940. No. 2035 He pe…
- Sat, 18:05: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1912 | A Pole, Jerzy Karwaj, was born in Krakow. A chemist. In #Auschwitz from 11 June 1942 No. 39920 Execut…
- Sat, 18:06: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1923 | A Slovenian, Milan Savić, was born. A metal turner. In #Auschwitz from 17 October 1941. No. 21832 He…
- Sat, 18:08: RT @ ResisterSis20: Halo was born, and died 3 hours later on March 29. Texas’ abortion laws required Forced Birth, though half the fetus’ br…
- Sat, 18:09: RT @ TheRichFromCali: TEXAS: At 20 weeks the parents of Halo were told their unborn child's brain and skull never developed and was incompa…
- Sat, 18:19: RT @ StephenUzzell2: These 3 Jewish men arrived in Auschwitz on the same day& were tattooed 10 numbers apart. 73 years later @ sandibachom ph…
- Sat, 18:21: RT @ ERACoalition: Can we hurry up and publish the ERA? #ERANow https://t.co/ZdIH4YCAn5
- Sat, 21:40: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: 8 April 1921 | A Pole, Tadeusz Imiołek, was born in Dołuszyce. A hairdresser. In #Auschwitz from 10 January 1941. No.…
- Sat, 21:52: #Tennessee3 https://t.co/nYuQbA1Ojz