feeling sad.

Dec 03, 2008 21:22

yes, teh puppy iz feeling sad. :-( it iz nearly the dreaded day of the year, december 5, the day i sat at my dad'z hospital bed side and watched him die seven yearz ago. :-(
my boss has been out of the office all week so far, so i haven't been able to ask for friday off yet. luckily he should be back tomorrow. if not, i will have to go to the manager, coz if i gotta come in to work on friday, there will be blood shed, i can tell you now. i have little to no patience with dumbass at the best of timez, if she said even one thing to me i would have to kill her. i think that should be reason enough to let me take the day off.
a few ppl close to me have already noticed today that i'm not my normal cheeky self. otherz either din't notice or just din't give a rat'z arse. one woz running round putting up freakin' xmas decorationz. *rollz eyez* hey, don't worry about the fact that we only have until december 18 to get pretty much the whole month'z work done! the only snigger i managed all day woz when some of them fell down again just after she finished putting them up. lucky for her she left my desk alone. i think she learned her lesson a few yearz back when she wound tinsel round the pole at the edge of my desk. i hung a teddy from it by one leg and refused to let her take it down. she usually leave me alone now. :-P


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