A lucky fan spotted Bradley on a bus, and shared this photo to Twitter/X on 22/23 October 2024. The sighting seems to have taken place in London on 21 or 22 October 2024.
@phoebepotter_ @BooksJazzy: Wtf !!!!! I would die - did u say hello??!!
@phoebepotter_: i didn't because i was mostly in shock honestly and also he was facing away from me so i was like
how do i do this
@phoebepotter_: no bc i’m actually freaking out how did i decide to rewatch merlin for the first time in like 10 years and
then the day later he’s right in front of me
@ogclotpole: welp- did u say anything to him
@phoebepotter_: i was only like 90% sure it was him and then by the time i was convinced i was more just like wtaf
@leons_lifespan: He’s actually a vampire he hasn’t aged A BIT 😭😭
@phoebepotter_: probably the most gorgeous man i've ever seen irl???