2 'Medici' BTS videos - The Family and The Renaissance Fashion

Mar 09, 2019 18:50

Screenshots from this new BTS video from Medici S2 -The Family. Full video below the cut, along with most of the Bradley scenes condensed into one video by bradleyjames_argentinafan. Also below the cut is another video - The Renaissance Fashion

MEDICI: THE MAGNIFICENT - Behind the Scenes - The Family

MEDICI: THE MAGNIFICENT - Behind the Scenes - The Renaissance Fashion

Bradley scenes - bradleyjames argentinafan

The #Medici chsanged the world generation after generation. Check out the curious details about their family history. pic.twitter.com/LmIrygSuqk
- Medici is STREAMING on Netflix (@MediciSeries) March 7, 2019

year: 2019, video, year: 2017, isn't he lovely, italy, chemistry, screencap, spoilers, bts, #medici, medici, series 2, sleeves, giuliano medici, profile, rehearsing, blue, candids, cheekbones

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