Taken/Held/Wanted Characters

Sep 17, 2011 02:57

Character Lists

Below are the names, journals, and AIM screennames of a_shared_dream's current characters. Also listed are the held characters and the ones we'd like to see in the game! Please check this list before applying.

Taken Characters: Film Canon
Ariadne | creatingdetails | fenixraven
Arthur | lhommedepointe | lhommedepointe *
Eames | 2brit2quit | toobrittoquit *
Fischer | formershadow | formersilhouette *

Taken Characters: Original
Adrian Clark | whomeveryouwant | adrianwhomever | PB: Matt Bomer
Anya Somerset | ghostofadreamer | anyadreaming | PB: Emma Hamilton
Bianca Trieste | ladyinwhitesilk | anyadreaming | PB: Natalie Dormer
Bridget Govaere | dark_dark_eyes | celticchild12 | PB: Summer Glau
Constantine "Con" Fitzweiss | cant_con_a_con | cantconthiscon | PB: Callum Keith Rennie
Impetus | imfucknorris | impetusorigin | PB: Gabriel Garko *
Kaname | the_now_network | check your nexus | PB: Yuu Shirota
Ksenia Seleznova | synthesizeyou | ksynthesizeyou | PB: Willa Holland
Lennox | matsakow | mudbuzz | PB: Misha Collins
Rin Amamiya | rintoshite | rintonaru | PB: Van Tomiko
Sarah | soshortnsweet | s0shortandsweet | PB: Emily Browning *
Sicily Tremaine | shesellsseas | shesellsseas | PB: Emmy Rossum
Tenebrae | armatenebrae | armatenebrae | PB: Damian Lewis

Held Characters/PBs

Wanted Characters

*community moderators

For those interested in joining the game, we have an unlocked biography & plot post - we encourage you to give it a read to best understand where things are in the game and where your character can fit in!

Updated September 16th, 2011

!characters: taken/held/wanted

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