Sep 10, 2004 17:47
Being at school before the rest of the 2000 students is nice. Theres this creepy peacefullness that no one else gets to experience, that and its the only time the classrooms are tollerable to sit in with out having your ass sweat against the seats, or your mind drift off becuase your too hot to play atttention and the voice of the teacher is lullying. my classes will be fine. Mr Riley is a pompous ass hole if your confused why.. go to his site.. "" its annoying.
today it has been five months. where is he? out with someone else. oh well. I want him to have fun, but when ive been too busy all week to get in enough sleep and i make the fucking time to email him at least once a day to let him know i love him and cant wait til friday so we can talk for a long period of time and he goes out with caleb im going to be a little pissed. it wasnt even preplaned, he was on the phone with me (remember that i have to call him and use my minutes) he says he has another call and clicks over.. talks to caleb for a minute and makes plans for tonight.. cool? what time are they umm i dont know let me call again.. ok.. he calls again.. oh ok be ready at 630? ok.. bye.. cool? only not. he goes out at 630 but his mom isnt due home for another two hours.. im not allowed to talk to him when shes home. she dosent like me.. edward your family sucks.
im tempted to stop writing here. no one reads it. i could claim that i write for only me to read and its for me to get my emotions out but thats crap. i write so i can feel like i belong with everyone else id ont get to see everyday and so i can write and get sympathy (like everyone else does) when im having a shitty day and need a few words of encouragment. oh well