
Mar 22, 2020 00:55

AU verse/Default - Secretly dating Virginia Potts, pepperxspray  where their parents are rivals.  Default verse and the AU that spawned the muses:

Anthony Edward Stark was born to Howard and Maria Stark on April 10th, 1991.  Tony was born into the legacy of his father Howard, who rose to power as a very young man during the Vietnam War as a weapons productions tycoon.  He grew up as a press baby, and almost used more for publicity for his father's company than as part of a family.

Early on, Tony showed a fast grasp of the way things work and a knack for building things.  His grades in early school started to reflect his boredom with a normal curriculum, and his parents had him put into an accelerated learning program which Tony accelerated even more to meet his own standards.  By the time he was 14, he had finished high school and was enrolled in MIT, and graduated in three years when he was 17.  Howard made sure that Tony was employed as his lead production engineer for all of his major projects upon his graduation.

Despite his excellent educational career, Tony's family life was unstable and rocky.  The press constantly in his life was never a good influence, leaving the Starks with little to no privacy.  Howard was a tyrant in the home, and Maria provided some relief, but she was having multiple affairs with other men on the side, which made family life quite difficult.  Tony found his own escape in causing his own trouble--mainly parties and girls.

After graduating from MIT, Tony designed and had his own house built on a cliff in Malibu, integrated with an AI system called JARVIS, which was one of his major projects at MIT.  He moved away from his parents, accompanied by the family's butler, Edwin, who was more of a father to Tony than Howard ever was.

He's secretly dating the daughter of Howard's biggest rival, Jerry Potts.  Pepper and Tony found that they were really much more similar than they thought, but any word getting out would be disastrous for them, especially since for once, Tony thinks he might really love her..

Other verses: 
I wanna be bad - Dating Catholic school girl Rigby Molloy, belongsinadream .

Yours, Mine, and Ours - Quasi-adopted as Elle's, snarky_blonde , "pet" and lives with her and Nathan, notacargojet .

Up for verse requests and posting.  PM or reply for details.

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