Apr 28, 2004 20:37
Man, I can't stand Kheegan and Kendra!!!! They are being soooooo mean to me because I like Noah! Kheegan really pissed me off today. She some how found out that we were going to the movies and she was mad because Noah is going and her and her sister weren't invited. She also got angry because I got a picture of him with a note on the back from him. That is soooo unbelievable!!! She actually went through my binder and took it out without even asking me and asked me how I got such a thing. I took it and put it back in my binder, where it belongs. She even looks over my shoulder when I send a text message to Kim Kono. She is sooooo nosy. She needs to just mind her own business!!! She said that her sister deserved Noah because she was in the same grade and that I was older than Noah. Age doesn't matter and Noah is NOT a piece of property. If he doesn't like me, then that is his choice...not hers. She always tries to say something that will hurt my feelings and she can't scare me into not liking him. She doesn't rule my love life, I do!!!!! If she tries to find out where we are going I'm going to tell her to go to the Regal in Oceanside.lol. I'll also pick a really crapy movie. Her and her sister will get all pretty for Noah and drive all the way down there, buy their tickets and then find out that we are at another theater. I usually don't like being mean, but they deserve it. HHHHaaaaahhhhhaaaaa!!!!!!!! There is more to the story, but I'm too tired and angry to type anymore.