[Hymn #64] [Movement] ~Half Step~

Feb 14, 2010 19:30

This is pathetic...

[Tear stood, the back of her palm hovering about an inch in front of Luke's door, prepared to knock, but not quite bringing herself to do so.

She had not been having a particularly lovely week. No matter how much she told herself this was all some kind of a trick the island was playing on everyone, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Things would have gone much more smoothly if the memory hadn't been so... happy. Tear wasn't here because of all that, or at least that was what she choose to believe. She felt a little bad for him; he was still her friend after all, and he'd stuck with her since the very beginning - for almost a year now. Valentine's Day didn't have to be over-the-top, did it? Either way, she didn't particularly see anything wrong with gratitude.]

((Anyone who wants to embarrass/interrogate her is free to do so.))

luke, tear is ruining her image, valentines day?, event

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