It's... ironic that I should happen to remember something about the knives I carry.
[Private; hackable.]
For a long time I had wanted to attend the Oracle Knights training school in Daath, but neither Grandfather nor Van would hear anything of it. Instead, they hired a private tutor to teach me what I would need to know about fighting.
I was incredibly ungrateful at the time. My attitude towards Major Legretta and my lessons was completely disgraceful. However, there was an incident. Someone had used a knife issued by the Order of Lorelei to slaughter a neighbor's rappigs. Since no one could be found who used throwing knives except for myself, Grandfather told me to apologize in their place even though I wasn't responsible for what happened.
It was Major Legretta who stood up for me. She said that I shouldn't have to apologize for something that I had no blame in and proceeded to trace and capture the true culprit. Even though Major Legretta insisted that she didn't do so for my sake, she had gained my admiration. I felt ashamed for my earlier actions and decided that I would devote myself to my training.
It would seem that Grand Maestro Mohs sent me along with the others in the ambassadorial mission as a representative of the Oracle Knights and to continue my search for the Seventh Fonstone. Van should have later arrived in Akzeriuth as well, so I had no qualms with this plan at the time.
However, to say the journey was unpleasant, would be a gross understatement. Luke was being completely intolerable, disregarding the Fon Master's poor physical condition and having let his new position as "goodwill ambassador" go to his head. He was acting as if he was nothing more than a puppet, hanging on my brother's every word.
I'm not sure if I feel that way at the moment, however. Though there are instances when Luke acts exactly the way I remember, these instances are few. The old Luke was demanding and self-absorbed; I have difficulty imagining him going well out of his way for others, and yet this Luke has been... a good friend. He was that way when we defeated Van, too. I don't understand it, but it makes me nervous somehow.
Regardless. During the journey to the miner's city, Major Legretta tracked us across Deo Pass and we were forced to fight against her. She tried to convince me to return, but I refused.
I'm sorry, Major. You supported Van completely. Even though he's gone now, I still won't be able to trust you unless you can prove that you no longer wish to fulfill his ideals.
There was one other matter that interested me, though. It was an exchange between the Colonel and Major Legretta. For a moment he seemed almost angry. It had to do with something called "fomicry", but I haven't been able to ascertain what that is.
((OOC: Sorry for the Tear spam. And I need to write up another Meer entry, too, but Tear hasn't remembered anything in a while, so there you go. 1% spent on her first meeting(s) with Legretta, her instructor, 1% spent on the battle with her at Deo Pass en route to Akzeriuth; 19% total spent, 5% remaining.))