I feel like such a baby for being all sad about leaving my mom here by herself when I leave next week.
It's kind of heart breaking though. I haven't left her since my dad passed away. She hasn't been alone since then. It's hard for me when I'm the only child. Her and I are best friends basically. It took AWHILE for that to happen. And with the neighbourhood we live in...it's not reassuring knowing she'll be alone with the dogs.
Good news...Zach and I should have her moved down with us by the holidays.
So it's like a birthday present to my mom :)
*sigh* anyway. I got a Clandestine shirt on eBay if anyone wants to check it out..
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200125483395&rd=1&rd=1 if you people got any questions just send me an email: zachmanda21403@gmail.com
or IM me using AIM: zachsfallenstar
I'll answer questions about the item, and what not.
Hope everyone out there is doing good.
And if anyone knows a good place online to sell Records(Vinyls) let me know..