Been watching Judge shows all mornin...

Dec 29, 2005 10:13

and that's okay with me.

So, I said it before, but Wolf Creek was the worst movie ever! After an hour and a half, NOTHING had happened, and when the action did start was lame. I left 15 minutes b4 it was was a waste of my life I will neever get back.

I watched Monster yesterday. I didn't really like it, I don't think. I don't know. It's one of those movies I can't figure out if I like or not...kinda like The Good Girl.

Jake love.

And I really want to see Brokeback Mountain, and I will, even though my parents are threatening 7 kinds of hell if they find out I saw it.

I went to the concert last night and watched Marc's band and William and then I left. Other cool kids were playing, but I left anyways.

Umm...I really thought I had something interesting to say, but I really don't.

William, you did sooo well last night at the concert. I really enjoyed it. I love when you sing. :)
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