Hello, all. Welcome to
a_sad_affair. This is where I,
vintage_gumm, post my icons/banners/whatever else. (My new username is
bazazz; all posts after May 15 will be made on the new username.)
Posts here will remain open until a new post is made. Credit isn't required, but it's nice. Comments/critique are welcome, and I would love it if people would comment when taking something so that I know what people like. Don't edit anything without my permission. And if you don't like classic movies and their people, don't come here, because I don't post anything else. :)
ewanismgirlbohemexswaniconsxantiquehuntersownthesunshinebealostlifeisdolcethe_justinertoybirdsthreeeyespeicooleringeowyn_rusiconmaker91iconographereveningwalkdearestsanami276 Caps:
Screen Cap Heavenbabygumm @
silverscreencapdallowayward Photos:
scans by
babygummSimplyClassicsDoctor Macro alongcameclass kehleyr_icons xlemonkissed merlicons oldtime_magic tinselcity silver_lims silverchallenge achromaticonssinatraiconsbecauseshecares If you would like to affiliate, comment here.