
Mar 19, 2010 12:14

One word to sum up Yuuri would be 'justice'. Yuuri believed in honesty and playing fair above all else, and found himself unable to simply stand by and do nothing if he saw/heard any dishonest acts. Born in to (what he believes to be) a typical Japanese family living in Tokyo, Yuuri lived his life like every other school boy. He had a huge passion for baseball, but an incident involving the coach being unfair to one of the other team players caused his sense of justice to flare and ultimately got him kicked off the team. So when he saw Murata Ken being harassed by a number of older punks one day while travelling home from school, he grudgingly decided to intervene. Murata managed to escape while the aggressors were distracted with Yuuri, and in a show of their annoyance that their 'prey' had gotten away, the punks decided pay back was in order and took Yuuri to the nearby female public toilet - this led to Yuuri being subjected to his head being dunked into the bowl of the toilet.

The moment Yuuri's head touched the water; however, his life was turned upside down. Any water source was a possible connection between the two worlds (Earth and Shin Makoku), and throughout the series Yuuri was often sent from one world to the other against his will. The moment Yuuri's head entered the toilet bowl water, he was sucked into a portal in the water to where he believed was the Swiss Alps, but in reality, Yuuri had actually traveled through to another world entirely called Shin Makoku.

Shin Makoku was a world where there lived many mythological and magical creatures and beings. The two dominate species of this world were humans and the Mazoku, which was a race of human looking demons who were naturally magically inclined.

After his first encounter with a local human female, Yuuri began assuming that he was dumped out from the toilet at a theme park because of the medieval-style clothing the inhabitants wore. He found himself confused by the female's reaction as she ran away from him screaming in terror and speaking in a language unknown to him at the sight of his black school clothing and black hair.

Yuuri was saved from the approaching villagers, who wielded pitchforks and flaming torches, by the appearance of Adelbert von Grantz (Yuuri originally nicknamed him 'Macho Football Man' since Adelbert reminded him of an American football player), but any attempt to speak Japanese to Adelbert failed since Shin Makoku's national language was entirely different. Adelbert used some form of magic on Yuuri after grabbing his head, and unlocked the ability for Yuuri to both speak and understand the local language hidden in Yuuri's soul. As Adelbert was attempting to lure Yuuri to come with him, his attempt was foiled by the sudden appearance of Conrad Weller.

Conrad began fighting off Adelbert while one of the Mazoku Kingdom's bone tribe skeletons, Boney, flew Yuuri to safe distance away. After rescuing Yuuri from Adelbert, Conrad then took Yuuri back to meet with Günter von Christ, who informed Yuuri that he was in fact the 27th Maou King (Demon King) which ruled over the entire Mazoku race. Shocked and surprised by the sudden turn of events, Yuuri found himself on a roller coaster ride when he realized that he wasn't in a theme park attraction and was actually in an entirely different world.

While travelling back to Blood Pledge Castle with Conrad and Günter, the group was approached by a young Mazoku child excited at seeing the new Maou. The young girl offered Yuuri a small bowl of water, and after having Conrad test it, Yuuri happily accepted the gift before the group continued on their way. Little did Yuuri and the others know, however, the gift and the young girl were more than they appeared to be. Later on in the series, it became known that she was in fact the original Maiden (before Ulrike became the Maiden) for the Original King, Shinou, before she was given the assignment of waiting in one of the outlying Shin Makoku forests until Yuuri's arrival. The water she gave Yuuri to drink was filled with magical properties and bonded with Yuuri to become Yuuri's main source of power.

After arriving at Blood Pledge Castle, Yuuri was instantly disliked by Wolfram von Bielefeld and Gwendal von Voltaire - who thought Yuuri was an unworthy heir to the throne. While attending a dinner with the family - including the previous Maou Cecilie von Spizweg - Wolfram announced his belief that Yuuri was unfit to be the Maou due to the fact that his mother was of 'poor breeding' since she was merely a human - which in turn made their Maou a 'half-breed'.

There had been a long standing racism between the humans and the Mazoku in Shin Makoku. The Mazoku believed the humans were beneath their notice and were weak, while the humans believed that the Mazoku were monsters that needed to be destroyed. Infuriated with the insult against his mother, Yuuri slapped Wolfram across his left cheek and demanded that Wolfram take back his words. This action on Yuuri's behalf unknowingly was proposing marriage in Mazoku tradition. When Yuuri refused to take back his actions, the marriage proposal was accepted by Wolfram's mother, Cecilie von Spizweg, and their engagement became official - much to Yuuri's disbelief and horror.

Wolfram initially felt similar emotions as Yuuri did towards the engagement and ultimately baited Yuuri into a sword battle in an attempt to break off such an undesirable marriage proposal. With no choice but to fight, Yuuri's only option for sword play was to use his knowledge and skills in baseball to help defend himself. This method worked firstly as Yuuri was able to knock Wolfram's sword from his hands, but not stopping there, Wolfram summoned a large fire ball that shaped itself as a lion and hurled it towards Yuuri. The attack missed when Yuuri ducked and dodged the oncoming attack, but when he saw that the fireball instead hit innocent Mazoku, Yuuri became angered and his true power emerged as he transformed into the Maou (Demon King). This form was easily recognizable as Yuuri's typically short hair grew long and past the shoulders, his black eyes take on a demonic appearance, his features look more adult, and his voice deepens. Conjuring his majutsu into the appearance of water dragons, the Maou then commanded the spell to entangle Wolfram and punish 'evil' and bring justice to the problem. The Maou was always eloquent and direct whenever he appears, and always came out to deliver his justice to wrongdoers; whenever he punished offenders, he always created the image of the kanji meaning 'justice' somewhere in close connection to the lawbreaker.

Both Gwendal and Wolfram were unable to protest Yuuri's claim to the thrown after witnessing these events and the genuine power the Maou displayed. Yuuri then hesitantly accepted the position and was inaugurated officially as the 27th Maou.

After finding out about the new Maou inaugurated in Shin Makoku, the human race began to take up arms in retaliation. Yuuri witnessed the bitterness of war firsthand when visiting a town that was burned by enemies, and he felt compelled to bring peace to the land. It was then that his hesitation in his role as Maou disappeared. Despite Gwendal's urging to go to war in response, Yuuri strongly rejected the idea and opted to attempt a more peaceful way instead. With this in mind, Yuuri, along with his advisors/protectors Conrad, Wolfram, Gwendal, and Yozak, began his voyage and set out on numerous journeys to help protect Shin Makoku. Yuuri and the others set out in an effort to locate the Maou's legendary artefacts - including Morgif (a sword that only the Maou can use) and the separated pieces of the Mateki (a flute only the Maou can use that summons rain) - in an attempt to dissuade the humans from continuing the rallying of their armies.

After retrieving the Mateki from human territory, Conansia Svelera, and returning back to Shin Makoku territory, Yuuri was confronted by a young female child, Greta, posing as the Maou's illegitimate daughter. The fact was; however, this child was an assassin and used the ploy to try and kill the 'evil' Maou. The young assassin was caught though, but before any sentencing could take place, Yuuri smuggled Greta out of jail and tried to help her find who she was looking for. The bond between the two grew throughout this trip, and Yuuri easily forgave her for her assassination attempt before officially adopting Greta as his child; it was a duty Yuuri took seriously and entirely to heart.

Over time Yuuri slowly became a symbol of peace and justice in Shin Makoku, and iconic of a new era of understanding between Mazoku and humans as he ruled with a strict policy of peace and negotiation. The first alliance Yuuri unknowingly formed was with Prince Heathcrife of the Cavalcade Kingdom. Yuuri helped not only the prince, but all of the other humans on the ship against a pirate attack which ultimately began the slow but steady increase of his positive exploits within human territory.

After being pulled back to Shin Makoku, Yuuri found himself in the midst of a warzone. Arriving in the main worshipping area of a burning church, he found Conrad and Gunter there to escort him back to safety because the humans were rallying to go to war with the Mazoku. Before this could happen, however, the group was attacked by human assassins. Forcing Yuuri to go back to Earth, Conrad pulled his sword out and rushed in to delay the attackers so that Yuuri could escape. A moment before Yuuri was forced through the portal though he witnessed Conrad losing an arm as it was severed in battle. Shocked by this sudden turnabout, Yuuri tried to remain behind to help Conrad but was given no option and was thrown back through the portal.

Yuuri wanted nothing more than to go back to make sure that Conrad was really alright and everything he witnessed was nothing but a bad dream. When Yuuri eventually made it back through to portal to Shin Makoku though, this time he came through with who he thought was just another ordinary school student, Murata Ken (the same student he rescued from the punks at the beginning of the series) - who was in fact the reincarnation of the Great Sage who helped the Original King, Shinou, to defeat Soushu centuries ago.

A new threat of the four forbidden boxes emerged as the pair found themselves deep within human territory. Thousands of years prior to the series, an evil entity called Soushu rampaged through the lands in an attempt to destroy everything in its path. Soushu was a power created by the negative energies of humans. The original Mazoku king, Shinou, battled against the evil Soushu along with four other Mazoku (the bloodline of Conrad, Wolfram, Gwendal, and von Wincott). They were unable to defeat Soushu's power though, but instead broke it down into four pieces and sealed them in four boxes. These boxes were separated and hidden from each other all over the land and became lost over the centuries. Yuuri learned, however, that the human King Belal was trying to collect all four boxes so then he could destroy his enemies. Fuelled with a new mission, Yuuri vowed to find each and every one of the forbidden boxes so then they can be resealed so that the evil remained trapped within.

Yuuri first learned of Conrad's betrayal while attempting to locate and secure the first box. Thrown into a gladiator styled match against Big Shiramon soldiers, Yuuri was pitted against Conrad for an opponent. It was during this time that Yuuri was attacked by Adelbert (who grew frustrated by Conrad's inaction during his battle with Yuuri). Moments before Adelbert attempted to land a final blow to Yuuri, Conrad yelled out the true origin of Yuuri's soul.

It was then that Yuuri discovered that his soul was originally that of Suzanna Julia von Wincott - one of the ten noble family lines of Shin Makoku and a powerful, but gentle, Mazoku that was engaged to Adelbert years before Yuuri's birth and who was very close friends with Conrad - who died during the war against the human race twenty years prior to Yuuri's birth. The emotional stress and danger of the situation made Yuuri retreat into his Maou form - which ultimately allowed Yuuri and the others to escape, but not without Yuuri being emotionally scarred by the thought of Conrad betraying him and Shin Makoku. He never wanted to believe that Conrad had betrayed them, and often insisted (unsuccessfully) in returning back to Big Shiramon so he could speak to Conrad and find out why. Despite the insistence from those around him, Yuuri stubbornly held onto his belief that Conrad hadn't betrayed them and vowed that he didn't ever want to doubt anyone - especially those closest to him.

However, it was learned that Conrad only betrayed them to learn about the whereabouts of the boxes. His plan was, when the four boxes were gathered, to steal them and return to Shin Makoku. He went as far as pushing Yozak off the edge of the cliff to show his alliance to Big Shimaron. When King Belal ordered Conrad to execute Yuuri, Conrad instead freed them, and protected Yuuri from the incoming barrage of arrows from the Big Shimaron army.

Through many difficulties in obtaining each box - one such trial resulted in Yuuri bringing Wolfram, Conrad and Gwendal to Earth - Yuuri finally managed to gather all four and place them safely in Shin Makoku. Many strange events began affecting the world around them such as the Fly-Bone Tribe became uneasy and flocking in huge masses to Covenant Castle. Travelling between worlds became more difficult and less predictable.

Conrad and Gwendal discovered that Soushu began to leak out of the boxes as the seals weakened. Yuuri came forward to help reseal the boxes, but Wolfram, possessed by the spirit of Soushu, leapt forward to distract Yuuri, who lost concentration and released his hold on Soushu. Suddenly, the spirit of the possessed Shinou appeared and took Gwendal's left eye, Conrad's left arm and Wolfram's heart, three of the four keys to the boxes, and released the trapped parts of Soushu in those three boxes, but later gave back the original body parts.

Murata revealed that, before his death, Shinou had accidentally absorbed part of Soushu, and that his spirit had now combined with Soushu. Shinou took possession over Yuuri's body then while Murata sat aside to see who would win out. Günter and Dakaskos took Morgif back to the island where he was found, and threw him into the volcano to renew his power. Shinou tried to use Yuuri's blood as the key to the fourth box, but Julia's pendant reacted to the act and transmitted a vision of Julia into Yuuri's soul, where she told Yuuri that he was strong and had the ability to save everyone. Arriving just in time Morgif ripped Shinou out of Yuuri's body. In the crucial moment, Murata revealed Shinou's final plan was to use his soul as a vessel in which to ultimately destroy Soushu. Yuuri was chosen to be the only Demon King stronger than Shinou. Yuuri vanquished Shinou and Soushu moments afterwards and restored peace to the lands.

Any water source was a possible connection between the two worlds (Earth and Shin Makoku), and before Soushu's eventual defeat, Yuuri was often pulled to either Earth or Shin Makoku against his will by Shinou's power. Yuuri was said to be the greatest Maou after defeating Soushu and freeing the Original King Shinou from the dark power. Because of that, Yuuri was able to travel between worlds even without the help of the Shinou's power.

Yuuri will be taken the moment he destroys Soushu and while he's still holding onto Morgif.
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