[NDPD, for Sarah]

Jan 10, 2010 18:34

Things hadn't gotten too much more normal lately, but if Alistair was anything, he was the kind of man who could adapt. He spent his first week or so learning about his new environment. Now, with his hut made, he was starting to settle in that way, too. They were all things he could focus on that weren't thoughts about what could be happening back home without him being there, and he was grateful for a break from that.

It was another sunny day it seemed. Alistair was actually more used to the weather he'd showed up in than this, but he had to admit, he definitely liked how it was now better. It probably helped he was able to walk around without being weighed down by armor and weapons. It also probably helped he didn't feel hunted for the first time in a long time.

Funny how much he never realized it had bothered him before until it was gone completely.

He hadn't expected to be greeted by a reminder of home any time soon. He didn't expect that reminder would come barreling toward him the minute he came back from his walk to the Compound, either.

It was hard to miss the Mabari running toward him as he stepped off the path and onto the warm sand. He froze, as one would likely do when a giant dog known to be able to rip limbs off darkspawn would normally do in situations like this. Instead of the inevitable attack, however, the hound just slowed to the stop in front of him, barking and wagging its' stubby tail.

That was a few hours ago. The dog wouldn't stop following him. He thought at first it had been the other Warden's dog, but he soon realized it was one he'd never seen before. That got him no closer to finding out just where it came from.

"Look, I don't know where you came from, but you really don't want to imprint on me," Alistair explained after some time had past and the animal had made it very obvious he was going nowhere. He'd gotten on his knees in front of him so he could look him in the eye. "Honestly. I'm terrible with dogs. I can't even keep plants alive most of the time."

The dog barked in an argumentative sort of way, head tilting to the side.

"Hey, don't give me that look," he added, trying to look stern and likely failing. "It's for your own good. There's plenty of people who would want you. Now...go on. Get going."

In an act he knew was a stubborn response - Mabari were too smart for their own good - he just sat himself down and looked up at Alistair expectantly. Alistair frowned and stared at the beast. The Mabari stared back, unflinching and unmoving.

"Fine, you can stay," he sighed finally, rolling his eyes. He had a feeling it was his only choice at that point. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

He took the fact the animal licked his face immediately and let out a happy bark that he was pleased by the decision. Alistair still had his doubts, even as he reached up to pet him.
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