Crossing Guard

Jan 03, 2012 21:26

I had my New Year's holiday today. I scheduled a Chiropractor appointment, I cleaned out my basement, etc. My appt. was at 3:30 and I realized I was running late when I looked at the clock at 3:20 (I was in the middle of piles on my living room floor). I took off down the street just in time to pass Hillis Elementary as school was letting out. I stopped for the cross guard and a couple of kids and was suddenly saddened.

In September, a crossing guard was killed in Ankeny while stepping into the street at a red light to make way for the kids to cross. I drove by him twice a day to pick up kiddos in my program. I even bought him coffee once. It was very sad to see it posted and it reminded me how dangerous that job is. Now I can't see a crossing guard without thinking of Frank, whose name I didn't know until the news announced it. So, to those brave men and women who every single day make sure kids get to school safely, thank you. I will always slow down, even screech to a halt for you.
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