
Jan 01, 2007 18:13

Hello all,

It seems kind of appropriate that my first post be on the first of the new year. I would like to not only tell about my resolutions, but give the vents that lead up to them. So if it seems a little to much like venting, I promise it won't last long and that it does have a point.
First of all, I am a female. Too many off my costumers at work have called me sir or sonny. Even outside work, when I don't have to have all my hair pulled up and out of the way, people are mistaking me for a boy. Now for the worst part.

[FLASH BACK] I was getting dressed to meet some more of my boyfriends family, he was down in the car waiting. I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. I have this simple but pretty long sleeve pink shirt, one of my favorites. Also I have a collection of butterfly jewelry. That was what I was going to wear. I was having trouble finding the jewelry and was fretting over taking to long. I started thinking about how I would have to apologize to my boyfriend for taking so long, because I had to find the perfect jewelry. And how I will blame it on me being so much like a girl. I stop. Think to self, "Wait a minute, I AM A GIRL" [END OF FLASH BACK]
So I have realized that even I don't really see myself as a girl, but I want to and I've always wanted to. Even when I was little I wanted to know how to be a polite lady. The only manners we were taught were please, thank you, and to get out of the way of someone carrying something heavy. I learned to respect elders from books and television.
Of course with some of the outfits I've worn and just the way I dress sometime it seems silly to have such a problem. At a convention I made my first attempt at dressing gothic lolita. I loved it.

Though there are times that I very much enjoy dressing in an acrogenous way.
So to sum it all up I resolve to be more girlly. To wear makeup. Dress pretty. And be a lady. Resolution one.

Okay I am a Sagittarius. True to my sign I start way too many projects and finish way too few of them. I have projects I wanted to finish by Christmas that have either only entered early stages, are on hiatus or haven't been started yet. Part of the problem is I am almost never home. I got really sick in the past week, so I was home, but useless at the same time. Allot of the resent projects other than cleaning my room are sewing projects. I have a collection of outfits I am making for different people. These aren't just the cut out the pattern and sew kind of projects, I am studying pattern drafting and design. This means I am doing all the steps from designing the outfit to creating a pattern to fitting the pattern to sewing the outfit. When money is put in to a project it is dishonorable to just let it go.
So I have decided that at the beginning of each month and week I will make and look over my goals short term and long. I will schedule time for everything, sewing, school, work, fun etc. Not to the point that I have everything scheduled out, but
I have to at least try to finish projects I start.

Complete what I start. Resolution two.

As my third resolution I want to be healthier. I have been losing weight(I don't want to lose weight) and I have been getting problemes left and right. So I want to eat and live healthier.

I think that is enough on my plate. Lets see how I do.
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