Sick - test - boss

Feb 26, 2007 00:03

I was sick the week before last. I didn’t throw up or anything just coughing and exhaustion with occasional dizziness. I slept at least 15 hours a day and reading made me tired. Skipped a day of work even though I know we need the money this month. There is no sence in trying to go down stairs if I am to dizzy and weak to get out of bed. I only went to school because there was going to be a test which got moved back to this past week.
This past week I had a test in every class and guess who could study much the week before. =D By the end of the week I was so tired. I still did pretty good on the English and speech tests, I am worried about the Trig. Test. And I still had to go to work.
My boss had me on fries. I don’t do fries. It isn’t that I can’t help every now and then it is that my wrist have been sprained and have not healed. It is painful after about fifteen minutes and it takes both hands to move the basket. I have been under a lot of stress and pretty close to a nervous break down and all my manager had to say is that no one is going to put up with me giving attitude. @$^*(*%##@$^&*(&$$
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Colorful language above

Well that is it for now.


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