Oct 29, 2008 17:03
i went to taco bell for lunch today; because i missed my free taco yesterday. Anyway, i was standing in line waiting for my food between the cash register, where a man was ordering his food, and where you get your food, where a lady was waiting before me. So a worker brings out her tray with the food on it saying "order 253." At the exact same time the cashier brought up the man who ordering's total "that will be 2.53". not a second after that was said a song came over the dining room speakers; a song that i had specificly noted the night before, that lead me to look up the video because it struck me so when i thought of it; "more than words" by extreme. and know i was listening to this gleeful ballad in taco bell, caught like a tangent line bisecting two tagent exponent curves, somehow tangent. tangent.
however i did not observe the situation as i above wrote. well kinda. its hard to explain. i feel like john.
its 5:23 on my clock right now. but the numbers have nothing to do with anything.