Jan 03, 2007 21:07
My shower hosts two temperatures: ice-cold and burn-your-face-off. For the past two days it has only hosted the former.
I received a dock for my iPod for Christmas, so from now on the dance party is WHEREVER I WANT IT TO BE.
After taunting me with her love for only a few weeks, Mona is returning to CA. I will probably spend the next 24 hours crying.
Something needs to be done about my t-shirt collection. It is taking over my life.
My hair sheds in alarmingly large clumps. I feel like the wolfman every time I shower. It’s not a good feeling.
I'll probably listen to the song “Lloyd, I’m Ready to be Heartbroken” by Camera Obscura 7,000 times in the next week because it is ridiculously awesome and pretty emo.
I will be in MA one last time before my winter break ends: Jan. 9th-Jan. 15th. If you want to hang out with me speak now or forever have a less-fun January 2007.