Mar 15, 2005 11:12
All college kids have spring break. Some go to tropical islands to tan and drink seven gallons of rum. Other kids work three different jobs and read books on the Holocaust. I'm other kids.
I had fiction class last night. There's a really nice married girl who is also in that class and is my friend. She asks me about my life:
"How's your internship?"
"It's good. Today I wrote 70 emails or so to OB/GYNs. We're trying to sell them a pregnancy book."
"No, really, one day I'm writing letters to baby-handlers and the next I'm doing research on the civil war. None of my jobs make sense."
Today in acting class were were asked to write down the traits of the characters we will be portraying next week. The first three things I wrote down were:
-domestically challenged
-addicted to sugar
Then I started laughing to myself. Out loud. Like a crazy person.
My professor: "Lauren, you look amused."
Me: "Yeah, this girl is me."
Many of you know my good friend Laura. She's a very amiable, smart girl who says extra crazy things. I agreed to try to write down all her philosophies on life, insane remarks, general nonsense and compile them into a book. Let's start here:
Laura on her skills: "I"m really good at writing political satire."
Laura on stationary: "I've always been a paper snob. I think it's my creative side."
Knowing Laura makes the first one much funnier.
I decided the snow is over. Don't argue with me. I'm telling you, no more snow.