Yeah, we'll go with excited.
It's "Next Food Network Star". Now, it's Food Network, not Bravo or A&E or whatever, so you'd think it's about food, right? *facepalm*
No, it's about the personalities. And it seems to be even more about the personalities this season. They were dishing on each other in the intros. Hopefully it won't suck this year. The less they talk about food and the more they talk about each other, the worse it is.
They start with food, so we'll see. The first challenge has them in teams, cooking for a host of Food Network stars. So far the drama is that one team's shoppers forgot an entire cart of ingredients.
At least from the editing, it looks like one team is far ahead of the other. But then they talk about the food, and it seems like the other is far ahead. So who knows.
One thing that's easy to see though, is that the contestants have been watching earlier seasons. They've each brought rehearsed versions of their "culinary point of view". Makes it really kind of ew.
Best line so far:
Susie: "You just have to bring it."
Contestant: "It will be brought".
So, a contestant who made green beans with some walnuts was let go. On balance, she deserved it. She did not "bring it".
Verdict: I don't feel as weird about this season as I did last season. Hopefully it won't go all "Top Chef" and be about how these people get along.