Jul 15, 2012 19:28
It has been an incredibly hot and dry summer so far. Everyone knew it would be hot and dry, because spring was so warm. I think it rained once in June/July, and I believe May was pretty dry, too. Some of the trees are starting to show signs of stress. My oaks are doing great, but the leaves on the maple I planted a few years ago are wilting. My maple hybrids are doing fine, though. In the neighborhood, there is one big tree that is starting to lose its leaves. It has dropped so many brown leaves that you'd think it was autumn. During a drive home a few days ago, I noticed that some maples planted along the street 2-3 years ago look completely dead. No leaves at all.
I'm looking forward to some rain, but it doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon. From what I understand, the corn crop is pretty much ruined and the soybean crop is at risk unless we get some rain soon. That's something the ethanol folk never considered: no corn = no fuel.