
Mar 11, 2010 00:18

passed over all day so that he could play video games with my parents. woo.
fuck yeah.
awesome way to end a night.

why am I so pissed off about this? it's not that big of a deal, but i wish he could go out of his way to do the little things more often. i'm not saying he doesn't. it's just whatever.

woo petty girl bullshit. that i can't talk to him about. because he thinks i'm 'silly' or 'cute' when i get frustrated about shit that he doesn't really understand. I hate being anxious and on edge and petty like this. but, sadly, it's part of who I am.

on that note, I need sleep. long fucking day tomorrow. BUT spring break starts, so, YAY. Sleeping in. And homework. Woo.

also, woo for random capitalization. It's clearly one of my forte's.
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