Title: Clouds in the Sky
Rating: K+
Genre: General
Characters: Draco, Ginny, Hermione
Summary: Albeit the pronoun problems, this is just a little D/G fluff regarding the Quidditch Pitch
The young bushy-haired witched in her red-and-gold Gryffindor robes looked at her red-headed friend with rapt interest, seeing as her red-headed friend’s eyes were not following whom they were supposed to be following. They were supposed to be following all of the red-and-gold blurbs that were the Gryffindor Quidditch team darting about the Quidditch pitch as though they were all gnats trying to find the best way to pester one’s eyes. Or at least the red-and-gold Seeker, which was no more than a speck of black against the sky, high above the stands.
But, in fact, her red-headed friend’s eyes were not following the red-and-gold blurbs at all. They were following something else. Something, the bushy-haired witch assumed (much to her utter dismay) that was the green-and-silver blurb that was the Slytherin Seeker hovering much closer to the stands. His robes, as well as the rest of his team’s robes, appeared much like those greenish flies that were attracted to horse droppings.
This was troubling to the bushy-haired witch. Very troubling, because the green-and-silver blurb that her red-headed friend appeared to be watching was the very same wizard in the entire school that she really wanted to transfigure into a guinea pig and pop him into a muggle microwave oven for a few minutes.
“Just what are you looking at, Ginny?” The bushy-haired witch asked curiously over the cheering crowd. One of the red-and-gold blurbs darting about in the sky had just scored a point.
Her red-headed friend - Ginny - shook her head and looked at the bushy-haired witch. “There was a funny-looking cloud in the sky. Did you see it?”
The bushy-haired witch knew for a fact that this was not what her friend had been looking at, which sparked her interest even more. Just what had captivated Ginny so? She wanted to know. And she knew just how to weasel the truth out of her. “What did the cloud look like?”
Ginny’s eyes returned to the sky. She pretended to look closer at the “cloud” by squinting, but the bushy-haired witch knew better. “I think it looked kind of like a ferret.”
“A... ferret?”
The bushy-haired witch waited for a few seconds before she posed her next question.
“Did the ferret have blond hair?”
“Nope.” There was a quick pause before Ginny’s brow furrowed in confusion, and she looked back at her friend as though she had lobsters crawling out of her ears, “What kind of question is that, Hermione?”
Hermione - shrugged, “You said it was a funny-looking cloud that looked like a ferret! I just wanted to know if the ferret had hair!”
Ginny shook her head at her friend, and then let her eyes travel back up to the sky again. Hermione waited for a few seconds before she said spoke up again, “How about gray eyes? Did the ferret have gray eyes?”
Ginny, again, looked at her friend as though she had gone mad. “Hermione, dare I ask... are you asking me if I was looking at Draco Malfoy? Because that’s exactly what it sounds like...”
Hermione shook her head vigorously, although she knew she had been caught. Ginevra Weasley was not stupid. Ginny laughed, watching as a blush crept into Hermione’s cheeks. “Well for your information, Hermione. I was not looking at Draco Malfoy. Never in my entire life would I ever look at that disgusting, vile, and insufferable waste of wizard unless I was spitting on his shoes.”
Hermione’s mouth twitched into a grin, and she shrugged. She was happy with the answer, seeing as now she would not have to whack Ginny in the face with her wand for being so stupid as to be infatuated with that egotistical bastard.
“So you actually were just looking at a cloud shaped like a ferret?”
“Yeah, quite odd, huh?”
- - -
The Quidditch field was quiet and still. The students had long gone, and the stands were absolutely silent. The stars were numberless and vast in the sky above. Ginny felt as though she could just fall into the universe, and just lay there forever in a bath of stars. She closed her eyes and took a breath of the cool night air. The summer holiday was fast approaching, she could smell it.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind, and she felt a pair of dry, slightly-chapped lips brush her cheek. When she opened her eyes, she saw his upside-down face peering down at her, his trademark smirk on his lips. Smiling, she turned around to face him. He was still clad in his green-and-silver Quidditch robes. Ginny reached down, entwined her fingers in his, and then reached up to kiss his knuckles.
“Did you watch me play today?” he asked quietly. His gray eyes sparkled in the starlight.
“Of course,” She answered, quite matter-of-factly, bringing her fingers up to touch his feather-soft blond hair, and then turned her back to him. She laid against him, feeling him put his chin on her shoulder. There was a brief moment when the pair just sat there, gently rocking and taking in each other’s scent. Normally he smelled like peppermint. But tonight, after a match, he also smelled of sweat and dirt.
She closed her eyes and smiled, “You were the only thing that I could keep my eyes on.”