Mar 01, 2016 16:16
This community is eleven years old, and before me has already had six other moderators, and somewhere along the way the tagging system became a bit of a mess. I've been approached by a user asking clarification on how to tag a post, and I was just as confused as them.
I ended up deleting an unused tag which had a typo, and I'd now like to clean up the tag list a little, merging duplicate tags that are used for the same purpose (ex: !uploads: pvs and uploads: pv), and possibly renaming some tags to have clearer titles.
My tentative idea would be to rename the !uploads and uploads tags to things like video: x (ex: video: concert, video: cm, video: pv). I'd also like to delete the video type: dvd rip (9 uses) and video type: hdtv mp4 (8 uses) tags, since it's clear they've never seen much use.
Of course, I'd like the community input on this. If you have comments or suggestions, please leave a comment on this entry! (You can also send me a PM, if you don't want your comment to be public.)
! mod post