Fic Rec: Legs of Distraction by olimakiella

Jul 23, 2011 05:38

Title: Legs of Distraction (Or How Draco Got Promoted Three and A Half Separate Times)
Author: olimakiella
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry gives us his version of how Draco re-entered his life.
Warning(s): There’s a smidgen of violence, and quite a bit of smut
Genres: Humour, Romance, Smut
Word Count: 12,567
Chapters: | 1 | 2 |
Year: 2011
Switching?: No

rating: nc17, #content: job unique, author: olimakiella, year: 2011, *job unique: secretary/assistant, fest: hd_relief, ^era: post war, #content: job head auror, !pairing: harry/draco, -kink: office sex, #content: ship domesticity

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