Meme of Truth

Dec 07, 2006 11:55

Since I was tagged by

Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.

Ok, so here are some facts about me. I can't guarantee how interesting or funny they might be, but they are authentic. Absolutely true.

  1. Food - I try to eat mexican food every day, and if it doesn't happen, I get very depressed.
  2. Animals - When I was 9 or so, my uncle took me bird hunting and after he shot a bird he tried to make me ring the bird's neck to finish it off. I couldn't do it. Since then, I've never intentionally hurt another animal, except for spiders and the odd human.
  3. Films - I am a huge fan of Kevin Costner films, although I've never seen Waterworld. I hear it sucks.
  4. Girls - I think redheads are extremely hot, especially if they have freckles. I like it when the freckles are so dense they meld together.
  5. Illness - I have rosacea which means I break out in a red rash of hives all over my face and neck whenever my body is stressed out in any way like from eating, drinking or generally being awake. I have to use an ointment every day after my shower and I have to use a special soap when I wash. It was really bad for many months before I got it under control, to the point that I was embarrassed to leave the house and every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror it destroyed me mentally.
  6. Cheating - I lived with a girl named D_____ for over a year and when she moved to Gainesville to go to school, I cheated on her, starting a relationship with another girl named J____ who was actually with a friend of mine at the time. A month or so later I started cheating on J____ with a very young girl named B___ . One day when D_____ came into town, she told me to meet her at our friend Dawn's apartment. When I got there, D_____ was sitting there with J____. It seems that J____ found out about B___, got jealous, and told D_____ about the whole thing. So I got double busted. I continued the relationship with B___ and a few months later I met her sister who was a stripper at Rachel's in Orlando. We slept together and the next day she told B___. Busted again. Ended up empty handed and all the better for it. It got really scary for a while. I've never done anything like that since then. I was 22.
That last story is completely true.

now the tags:






Herbie: Fully Loaded is a great film.
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