Jan 06, 2011 03:11
Flight into Australia.
I got back a couple of days ago, had a scary flight back. As we were approaching the run way, a gale hit the plane and the pilots had to abort the landing. The pilots brought the plane into a sharp ascent and then they had to go for a fly around to attempt the landing again. As the plane pulled up, I saw from my window seat, the wing snap down and bend like a twig. In my mind I imagined this to be "some freaky final destination shit", in the cockpit I envisioned the pilot jerking on the joystick violently and screaming "mayday" repeatedly into his headset mic.
New Job.
I went back to work in the thai restaurant and I only got alloted 2-3 days on the roster. I needed more money to pay the overdue bills I'd racked up when I went back to Singapore for my holiday. Back home I blew all my savings, going out, eating lavishly and drinking excessively. But it was fun, I was working most of the time in my internship job and made up for my overworked fatigue by partying hard at night - only to tire myself out even more. Anyway, since I wasn't making enough to pay off my bills and start saving again for my coming semester, I went and got another job.
I'm working at a new japanese restaurant near my place. The pay is shit, but hopefully after the first few weeks they'll give me a raise and more hours on my shifts so I can start making more money. When I tell people this, they always tell me to "work less", "slow down" and not to "burn myself out". But I honestly have no choice, when school starts up again and when I get into the full swing of things, I'll have to quit one job and seeing which one pays better, I'll have to go back into survival mode and scrimp and save in whatever way I possibly can.
Tonight was my first night there, and it really was tiring. Well, whatever keeps me financially afloat. Right now I think I'd clean toilets if it paid well.
Its really quiet.
Settling down pretty okay. The last few days I've been catching up on my sleep, getting back into my healthy cycle of eating properly and going to the gym. Been also trying to keep myself really busy even when I am having my personal down-time at home to unwind. I play xbox mostly, read my book or write stuff for my blogs or whatever else keeps me occupied. If I didn't, my mind starts to wander and I end up playing memories in my head and then I never get to sleep and even when I do I get all these weird dreams that leave me unsettled for the next day or two.
I am so glad that this trip back to Singapore was such a boon. I have good news all around, generally. Reconnected with old friends, made new ones and secured myself a place into my future. It was great.
Its quiet here, but even now, at least I don't feel quite so alone as I did when I first came. When the separation and the isolation drove me stir-crazy. I think I've mellowed down into a sort of comfortable daze in life, where I am just ambling my way toward a distant horizon. This time I am doing so at a slower pace, one dictated by myself and not anyone else or for anyone else. If I want to pick up the pace, break out into a sprint, then I am at liberty to do so. The reverse is true too, if I want to slow down and take a break, then I will. I will take a week off, shut myself in, have a movie marathon on my laptop and shun the outside world, emerge well rested and ready to face the world again. But for now, my drive is turned to maximum and I will keep running until I decide to revert to a jog, then a trot, then a walk.