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Megan Lockman. You can comment here or
So kind of spur of the moment, Aaron decided yesterday that he’d like to try a fast for a couple days. In all honesty it should have been prepared for at least a day or two ago but for the sake of time and his schedule he decided it would be perfect to go from Friday night through to Monday night (since we planned dinner with an old friend of mine last week for that night). So Aaron and I are doing a two day fast together. I don’t think he’ll really get the results he was looking for in two days. Not weight loss. Just overall feeling better. I’m not sure if he understands the point of a fast. I think he’s just more curious to see whether or not he can actually do it.
But after thinking about it for a while and remembering the days back in high school when I just didn’t eat to not eat, it made me think how much I really don’t want to do that. I don’t want to not eat for the sake of wanting to starve myself or injure myself both physically and mentally. A fast, to me, is supposed to be a time where you take control over your cravings, where you detox, where you come to a realization that your eating habits and lifestyle need a second glance. I was initially only going to do the next couple days with Aaron, but after thinking about it for a while I really would like to do an extended fast. Maybe some on again off again. The point of it would not be weight loss or a sad attempt at dieting. lol My hope would be that after disciplining myself for an extended period of time and after kicking some of my cravings to the curb, by the time my fast is over I won’t even want to be eating the way I am now.
Seriously, Aaron and I eat out all the time. I drink soda all the time. I only vaguely remember the times I ever eat veggies. Given I have been eating a lot of fruit lately, but that’s only been recently. My hope is that after fasting for an extended period of time, I’ll be more aware of what food I put into my body. Food is delicious and it always will be, but food is about feeding your body what it needs to remain energetic and to get you through the day. As much as I LOVE alfredo sauce, it serves no real purpose in a healthy diet, especially in the quantities I use it. I love pizza, but I don’t need more than a slice or two in a single sitting. Stuff like that. It’s not about weight loss specifically, though that would be a nice benefit. It’s about changing eating patterns that I’ve had for 22 years. It’s about thinking twice about eating a burger and fries vs fruits and veggies. I’d really like to try fasting on a more regular basis. Not for sure on long term fasts, but fasting in short periods can be good for you (so I’ve read) in the long run. Intermittent fasting seems like a good idea. If I can get Aaron’s support, I’m just going to go for it. I think it will be very difficult if I can’t get his support so I’m going to talk to him about it when I get home. I guess we’ll see how this goes (IF it even goes anywhere).