May 22, 2004 22:34
I went to Tully's last night at about 11 'cos I was working until 10:30. Bloody work. Everyone was drunk, so I drank all the alcohol I could find really quickly to try and catch up. It worked, even though I got in at just gone 1:00am.
I woke up this morning to a text from Mich asking her if I was feeling any better, so I rang her 'cos I didn't know what she was on about. Found out that last night I threw up all over Tully's kitchen floor and then fell over and banged my head and they thought I was gonna pass out 'cos I was like falling asleep. Fuuuuuuck!
Anyway, today I worked 10 hours which is really gay, but I've earned over £40 for it so I can live with it :) I'm going away to Menorca with my Michy Wichy soon :D