Sep 13, 2004 16:30
Hmmm... Time to update! I know it hasn't been a week, but I want to update now in case I forget. Plus, today has been okay. There was school and that's about it. This past 6 days.... Not all that much happened. I started trying to draw. Keyword; try. One thing I drew a couple days ago isn't bad. Although I don't know how to put it on here. Kiki likes it though.... And Brette was like, "aww" when I sent it to her. LOL *blushes*
Um, my life is boring right now. Wait.... That's a lie. SO a lie! Okay, so on Tuesday Andrew and I supposedly got together again. Then, on Friday, Heather told me that she thought she saw Andrew. I was confused at first, because Andrew was right there. And then she said, "I think I saw Andrew," again and I got it. Andrew was confused, of course, saying "of course you did! I'm right here!" and stuff. Twas funny. So I was like, "OMG! I'm gonna be in shit if he's here!" So yea.... Haven't seen either Lauren or Andrew yet.
On Sunday I went to meet Mel and Kiki at the mall. It was pretty fun. I was there second, Mel was first. So then we were waiting and joking about how late Kiki was going to be. So at 1:15 Mel asked me the time, and I said we had 45 more minutes to wait. 'Cause of that time when Kiki was an hour late, that's why I said it. Kiki showed up like 5 minutes later. So I cupped my mouth and was like, "Kiki's here! And she's not really that late!" or whatever. LOL! So we just sat there talking for a bit, then I took them for a walk around the mall. Kiki bough us the new-ish Kinder Bueno bars and then she bought us Orange Juliuses. I think Mel was amused because Kiki was going to pay for the drinks and so I grabbed onto her brake so she couldn't keep moving. And I was like, "I'm giving you some money!" She's like, "No, I'll pay." And on and on. Hehe. She won though, and so she paid.
Today was a usual day at school. It's weird since it's grade 12.... I think today is like the first day since the first day of school that I don't have really any homework. At break, Sheena couldn't get into her locker and none of us seemed to know whose lock was on her locker. So Knighton, I think, said maybe it was one of the group who wasn't there right then. I said, "There's Sean, Jon.." and he said Andrew. I'm like, "I don't think so." And Knighton said Andrew might do that, and I'm like, "I don't think he would." Then I'm like, "I know I'm coming to his defense but yea." Then Knighton was like, "'Cause you like him." Jo and I looked at each other and started giggling.