^^ The title is so right! I just finished having 2 friends over for a sleep over, they were here since about 3 or 4 yesterday afternoon! Then they left at 4:30 and 4:45 this afternoon! We went up to my room first and put their stuff up there. Then we went outside and into my games room. We played pool and air hockey, me and Claire were the queens of my games room! XD We won a game of pool, Kita won once, and then me and Claire won air hockey. We came in and played the game of Life for the computer, and then had pizza for supper. Then we decided to watch Freaky Friday, and after Kita was really wanting to watch "The Pirates of the Carribean" because she's obsessed with Orlando Bloom. So we did, and whenever Orlando Bloom came onto the screen she was like "Ooh!" So yea... We finished at like 1:30 AM! So we were all tired and went to bed after that.
This morning I was the last one who woke up. And that was about 10:45 or something. So we talked, and then had breakfast. After breakfast we went to my room to change, cuz we were going outside. So then we went outside after a bit and played more pool and air hockey. We got tired of that, so I got cards from inside. We playing cheat, and then taught Kita "Zap!" It was so much fun! Then we came in and talked more until they had to go.
Now on Wednesday I'm having another sleep over with a friend, Kayla (from Tuesday's post). We did last year, and it was a blast so I'm really looking forward to it!
The Lovely Heroine
Required: brunette hair, heart-shaped face, sweet
smile. Must have basic knowledge of White
Magic (on-the-job training will be provided).
Must also be willing to gradually fall in love
with the Hero Without A Past.
CAUTION: There is a guarantee of near-death
experiences inherent in this job, with a 1-in-4
chance of actually dying. You have been
Examples: Aeris Gainsborough, Rinoa Heartilly,
Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, Yuna
A Final Fantasy Casting Call brought to you by
Quizilla huh??