Nov 03, 2005 22:42
i'm seeing hanson in like, a minute
i'm going to call mary mcgee the moment i get to westford and we'll probz leave not soon after cause 99% of hanson fans are hella awkward and like to line up for their concerts literally days before hand because they have no lives.
but we do
so we'll go to alewife and then take the t and call katie caffrey and cassandra lanno on the way and tell them we're coming
and then we'll probz grab some nourishment
and then go get in line for the ride of our motherfucking lives
alice elise maria fernando pequito dorito mosquito burrito triscuito bergin
p.s. maybs we'll call xtine and be all, um u work @ avalon...
plus the opening band is called the pat mcgee band so mary is probz like, related distantly or something so they should let us get on their tour bus and get drunk with them
and then mary and andrea and laurel will take the sat's on 3 hours of sleep with hangovers