Okay, mabye this is a little graphic, but...

Mar 03, 2009 19:52

Seriously, people? And yes, this is GRAPHIC.

Girl A: Well hello there.
Girl B: Hey.
Girl A: You're a girl.
Girl B: Why yes, and so are you.
Girl A: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Girl B: *pulls out strap-on* Oh yeah.
Girl A: We have no personalities! Only vaginas!
Girl B: I'm coming even though it's only been a few seconds!

All I want is some good femslash. As I've said before, I won't say no to a bit of porn, but c'mon. At least build up some sexual tension - I promise you it helps. And mechanics of the female body: learn you some.

Grr. I'd like to say that slashers are spoiled, but I know that there is some shitty slash out there. It's a matter of volume; tons of people write slash, but very few write femslash. There's so much discomfort with female characters in fandom, and I really don't get it. Of course, I have a big problem with how women characters are written in canon, but that's a different issue.

Fandom: maybe you missed the memo, but it turns out that women are people too. Shocking, I know. And chances are very good that you - yes, you - are a woman. Do you talk/act like this? Even if you're completely straight, I can tell you that lesbians and bisexual girls aren't that different from you.

And I am so sick of perfect first times - in slash, femslash, and het. It's okay for things to be kind of awkward and for people to not know exactly what they're doing. Just take a gander at bad_sex . If a straight guy is having his first gay encounter, he's probably not going to go for handjob, blowjob, and anal. Seriously, slow down.

I say this with my fair share of skeletons in the bad porn closet. (Wet slot will never not be funny.) I like to think I've gotten better since then, but I haven't written in so long. I don't know when I developed this fear of writing fanfic; I've got a couple of Leverage bunnies but I just. Cannot. Bring myself to write.

So basically: write more femslash, write better femslash, and I need someone to poke me with a stick. And yes, that sentence lacks parallelism.

wank, femslash

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