Taiki Glossary

May 17, 2011 00:44

A very quick rundown on a few Taiki details.

Aura: The astral body that surrounds all living things. In humans (since, aside from ghosts, that's all his canon deals with) it can reflect everything from emotions, mental health, chakra alignment, and physical health. Taiki reads these in layers and intersecting points -- it generally gives him a pretty clear idea of what he's dealing with.

Thought-forms: Strong negative emotions can be projected onto another person. For example: Person A has strong feelings of jealousy, resentment, and general ill-will towards Person B. Those feelings can manifest and transfer themselves onto Person B, creating a heavy, weighted feeling as it clings to the aura and tends to infect it some. They generally evaporate after some time but they can be "cleaned up" if the person has a very "good" aura, practices meditation/aura cleansing/chakra alignment, or has someone like Taiki take care of it.

Chakra: A very very basic summary --> The concept of seven energy sources within human, from the base of the spine all the way to the crown of the head. They work in sequence, the lowest being the most base emotions and the highest (crown) being the most spiritual. As you balance and align these chakras (they must be done in order) then you become a more centered, balanced, and spiritual individual. A wiki article if you'd like more information.

Empathy: Usually it is the understanding and "entering into another's feelings" -- specifically emotions. But Taiki's is much more broad and a canonically a bit inconsistent. Technically he could feel everything someone else does, based on physical proximity and the feeling's strength. From headaches to hunger to depression. He's been the victim of second-hand lust, medication, and happiness.

Spirits: Ghosts. Spiritual forms of deceased physical bodies. Taiki can see and interact with them just the same as the living. Some are forever stuck in an endless loop, reliving and reenacting a scene from their life, others play chess all day and teach Taiki neat fortune knots, and some are malicious (or at least a degree of annoying... like those that flicker lights, bang doors, or feel people up). At times Taiki feels more comfortable with this lot than he does humans -- normal people can't do what he can and the dead are often a lot less judgmental.

Sixth-Sense: It's sort of like Spidey-Sense! It is an innate ability and, as with the rest of his senses, Taiki has zero control over it. If someone throws a snowball at him, Taiki will automatically duck or dodge. However he's limited by a normal human body and reflexes -- he has to actually have time to react. There will be no Matrix style bullet dodging and if the person is close enough to throw a punch he may very well get hit. Better for ranged attacks!

Another completely different aspect of this is Taiki's ability to know where things are. He never loses keys or worries about where the car is parked and if he is very relaxed and balanced then he has an impeccable sense of direction. Drop him in a city and he'll find his way wherever he needs to go -- whether he's familiar with the address/location or not. However this ability is very easily sabotaged by magic/weird auras/his nerves and mental state/etc.

Asexual: He doesn't want it. Not from you or anyone else. Not interested and will flee the scene as soon as he sees that pink/red aura. He's horrible at normal friend/relationship and therefor shows little to no interest in romantic ones. HOW DOES EMOTIONS?? They're hard and he'd much rather avoid the situation altogether, rather than confront and admit to anything that he's unsure of. Asexual and a sort of... forced aromantic.

Ohsaka Gakuen: The all-boys boarding high school that was the setting for Taiki's canon. His best friend was his roommate (Nakatsu) and was sort of adopted into Nakatsu's rag-tag group of friends. The experience was positive, a circle of people that more or less accepted him and finally a best friend, until his third year where he was involved in Trauma.

Omamori: Amulets that can be for anything from luck in studies, relationships, protection while driving, spiritual protection, good wealth... The sky's the limits. Taiki makes his own, hands them out to everyone he knows, and also carries one on himself at all times. In his world, they have power if the person believes in them. Other characters that I do not play may take whatever they wish from it. Embroidered silk cover, thin bamboo tablet and possibly a paper charm inside, and a fortune knot at the top. May be any size -- though generally they fit in a pocket or wallet.

Technology: Taiki can't do it. I imagine Lisbeth spends a good deal of time suffering through and trying to get Taiki to upgrade from dialup and ancient desktop computers with no RAM and an OS that's 10 years old. He can't work his phone, he can barely use his computer, and don't ask him to drive a car.

Nakatsu Shuichi: Taiki's roommate in high school and current housemate. A very optimistic, energetic, and upbeat professional soccer player. Taiki prefers his company (and loves, at least as much as Taiki is actually capable of the emotion...which... is a completely different tangent) because of his genuine personality and overall nice aura. A good guy, loyal to his friends, and tolerates Taiki's oddities amazingly well. They get on famously when Taiki isn't being an avoidant asshole.

Nakao Senri: Yep, this one --> dainty_ofcourse . Loud, flamboyant, opinionated, and lulzy. Also puts up with Taiki's oddities, but not without the required protest and braying. They went to high school together as well and resided in the same dorm. Senri has gender issues, anger issues, and personality issues -- but he tries really hard and considers Taiki his best friend. ...Though it's a very odd relationship.

Fujimori Aya: Physical athletic therapist for FC Tokyo and Nakatsu's friend. Lives near Taiki and is often employed as a spy for Nakatsu when the athlete is on the road. She's loud, brash, and no-nonsense. Taiki finds her mildly annoying and does his best to avoid contact.

Lisbeth Salander: Taiki's fake adopted big sister. RP funtimes have somehow created Swepan -- where wee!Taiki and wee!Lisbeth's world consists of four square blocks and they live near each other. It's translated into headcanon and now she's probably the second or third closest person to Taiki, outside of Nakatsu.

Murasawa Reiji: Taiki's boss. Owner of a company that contracts Taiki from T-University. Overweight, overworked, balding, but generally a good guy. He doesn't have any of Taiki's natural senses but for mysterious reasons is in the paranormal investigation business. Murasawa watches out for Taiki some, encouraging him to eat, rest, and will deny him work if he feels the psychic is overextending himself. They've worked together in some capacity for about six or seven years.

Kayashima Chiyako: Taiki's mother. She died at a young age when Taiki was 8 years old. Lymphoma. She had the ability to see auras and spirits and apparently passed the senses on to her son. She was a housewife and had a very close relationship with Taiki. After her death, she appeared several times -- thanks to Taiki's spirit medium abilities. Visits trickled off as he got older and ended altogether when he was 18 (though he hadn't seen her for several years before that incident).

Kayashima Kano: Taiki's father. After Chiyako died, Kano broke down some and struggled to understand his very odd son. An incident when Taiki was 10 led to a complete breakdown and they more or less went their separate ways. Kano still provided for Taiki but pretty much stopped reaching out or even... being there. Food, housing, education -- all the basics supplied but no relationship. Taiki didn't understand what happened but could read auras well enough to know that he made his father uncomfortable and that the man didn't really want him around. SO. He accepted it. This was probably the beginning of Taiki's issues with avoidance.

Sendai, Japan: Taiki's "hometown". It's where he grew up and lived until moving off to boarding school. The 'pan' part of Swepan. Taiki's father may still live there but he's long since lost track of the man.

Oyama, Tochigi-Prefecture, Japan: Taiki's current residence. Just north of Tokyo proper and may still be considered Greater Metropolitan Tokyo. Divided in half by a river and a more industrial city. Taiki lives in a quiet residential area and owns a small one-level home.

New York, New York, USA: Where Taiki works the most, outside of Tokyo. He's pretty sure it's the worse place on Earth -- though he'd never actually voice such a strong opinion. Most of the bad things that happen, occur on jobs in NYC. He's been possessed, banged around, chased, and all around harassed. Guns pointed at him, crazy chases, and people killed or otherwise injured.

Costa Careyes, Mexico: Taiki's favorite place in the world. It's where he disappears to when he suddenly goes MIA and doesn't contact people for weeks at a time. Beaches, a tiny bungalow with open walls and gorgeous weather, and time all to himself. Taiki's paradise.

[who] kayashima kano, [who]nakatsu shuichi, [comm]charloft, [what]ooc, [who] kayashima chiyako, [who]nakao senri, [who] salander lisbeth

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