(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 23:44

He arrives just after nine, hitting morning traffic with perfect timing. This is his eighth visit to the area, and the first outside of work. The small isolated bungalow has been rented for a week but he's been assured that if he chooses to extend then it will be made available. A polite (but insistent) teenaged porter carries Taiki's two light bags up the flight of white plastered stairs while the psychic wilts under the heat -- it's a far cry from the gray Tokyo winter he left.

The four large doors facing the water are opened up and immediately a breeze off the ocean tempers things. Taiki leaves his bags untouched by the door and crawls over the large low bed, sinking fully-clothed onto the plush white comforter. A slow measured breath and Taiki relaxes, letting the sound of the tide hypnotize him.

He doesn't bother to sit up as he unwinds the checkered scarf from his neck. Large bruised crescents cut dark paths under his eyes and it doesn't take long for him to drift off. Lying on his stomach, Taiki curls one hand up towards his cheek and falls asleep to the familiar comfort of being on the coast again.

Costa Careyes never disappoints.

[where]south america, [what]fiction

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