What the heck are my characters up to? Most of the time I don't even know.

Feb 03, 2011 15:00

Let's have a (hopefully) brief wrap-up, shall we? This is more for my benefit because I'm going on a bit of a holiday starting tomorrow and may not be around much -- I need to remember where I am when I get back. Plus my characters have all scattered to the wind and I need to start reeling them in a little. Blerg woe for me. Also cross-posted to every single journal ever.

Has completely checked out. There is literally very little going on in his head because he just can't Handle Things. His memory problems were solved by hermit mountain-dwelling priests but he's self-medicating and will likely be putting his house up for sale and bouncing off for Mexico/sunshine/beaches/vacation/sunburns soon. One step forward and two steps back: The Kayashima Story. The only change is that when he abruptly runs away disappears runs away this time, he'll tell everyone where he's going and keep in touch. He'll have his computer. He'll likely call Shuichi and Senri every day to check in with them and will still try to get a hold of Lisbeth, even though he's pretty sure she's dead. I have no clue what's going to happen when he finds out she's not -- it's awfully hard to inflict a successful Silent Treatment punishment when you're not actually around/in physical contact with the person. ...And when that person is Lisbeth and they already more-or-less exist on a plane of no verbal contact.

Is so incredibly sad and has no one to talk to because all of his friends are trying to get back to their life/routine after having dropped everything for a month to help out and be with him. Unfortunately he was mostly down for the count during that month and now he's realizing that Shit Happened and he's really upset that Matsu died in the accident. But he is a trooper! There will likely be some kind of emotional purge (Sorry to whichever character gets the brunt of that if it's not mine -- probably it will be in the form of a pissy meltdown. Zander almost received it but then he turned all apologetic and -at least in Senri's warped mind- mopey. It's hard to have a screaming match when one party backs down and tries to be decent. Next time Senri will try harder to be an asshole and get the reaction he wants.) or he'll cry to someone and then he'll be better. He's getting out of the apartment more and is happy to get back to work.

Really hates math! He's trudging through his classes and looking forward to the summer. He has an eye surgery coming up but otherwise things are pretty status quo. Sabe recently had a fight with his younger brother because the kid has been loafing around and not helping their parents and smoking illegal substances. Santi would very much like it if people would realize that he's 19 and not a baby anymore and would like his own like, thanks. Unfortunately he's the youngest in a farm working family so none of that will actually ever happen. Sabe will be moving into a place with that brother here in the next couple of months and then they'll both be busy with polo during the summer. I have that plot that I never got around to from last year for him and his brother... We will see what happens this year.

Likely has not left her house for things besides church since this damned weather has started. There are probably a lot of rants in Spanish involving "More bad weather coming, I can feel it in my elbow" and "Why the fuck do my kids expect me to cook for them when they visit? Did I cook for them when they were younger? No. Does this look like a restaurant to them? Women's Rights and frozen food happened for a reason and they can go to the damned store and cook it themselves." etc. She's glad the holidays are over. I don't really have anything special for her near-future planned. More complaining and old-lady grumpiness.

All of my characters are in a bad mood except for Ghost. But things that are traditional upsets tend to bother you less when you're dead and a gleeful little shadowy klepto.


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