
Jan 28, 2011 01:12

"Kanpai!" Toasts are made with plastic cups and Taiki finds himself wondering -not for the first time- if the RA should really be supplying his underclassmen with alcohol. He sits on Nakatsu's top bunk, one foot curled under him while the other hangs off the edge. Black eyes survey the scene below while he hums softly to himself -- he should probably leave before he does something stupid.

"We should play two truths and a lie!" Noe suddenly pipes up, voice rising above the noisy group. There are scattered cheers but inevitably someone points at Taiki and complains that he'd cheat. Predictably Nakatsu comes to his rescue, offended in his place. Taiki watches passively from above while an argument starts. It's the same every other week.

"Take it back! You know better than t'say somethin' so stupid, iiiiidiot!" The blond is on a rampage and several boys in the room roll their eyes. Sano is quietly teasing Mizuki, Nakao has not graced them with his presence, Noe and Sekime fight with Nakatsu, and Nanba bemoans -to no one in particular- his final exams. The others seem mildly annoyed at the noisy scene and opt instead to drink and talk amongst themselves. Taiki chooses to remain separated and still debates leaving -- the more the crowd drinks the more he feels the second-hand intoxication. "You wouldn't cheat, would you?" Suddenly Nakatsu is invading his personal space. They are practically nose to nose and Taiki blinks, surprised.

"Define 'cheating'."

"Reading auras t'get the answers." Nakatsu crosses his arms and grins. Taiki can feel his pulse thump but can't help the curious look that crosses his face.

".........How do you think this works, exactly? That it's something I can turn off?" He replies, surprised at the offense in his tone. Nakatsu holds his gaze a moment before looking away, sheepish but disappointed. Taiki stares at the blond's back while Nakatsu fumbles awkwardly; he should have left earlier.

"Well, we can play somethin' different then!" The blond starts again, determined to entertain the entire room. "There's cards or word games or we could think of a drinking game! Whaddya think, Tai-" When the crowd doesn't respond Nakatsu turns back to the bunk bed, hoping to get his roommate's opinion. Unfortunately the previously occupied top bunk is now empty. Nakatsu spins and glances around the room, baffled at the disappearing-psychic routine.

He catches sight of Taiki just before the door to their room closes. Dejected, he flops down at the kotatsu and mopes until Mizuki takes notice and chimes in. In no time at all Nakatsu is grinning and laughing, though he keeps an eye on the door.

Taiki doesn't return until the next morning.

[event]winter bingo, [when]past, [who]nakatsu shuichi, [what]fiction, [what]your aura is very marbley, [when]ohsaka, [what]i know more than you think i know

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