Coffee with Nanahara

Nov 18, 2010 22:24

“To be honest Kayashima-san, I was a little surprised to get your call. But I am very honored -Nakao speaks very highly of you.” Nanahara smiles politely, tense as he clings to his mug. There’s a splash of pink across Taiki’s vision when Senri’s name is mentioned and the psychic’s stomach drops. He realizes, not for the first time, that if Senri were to ever find out about this then he could lose his friend. Not to mention the possible damage he might do to Nanahara…

“Ah, I imagine you are well enough acquainted with Nakao to know better. His opinions are always a bit off.” He returns, smiling softly. The coffee shop is mercifully empty but Taiki can’t help wondering if this was really an appropriate location.

It’s been a week since he spoke with Delilah and just an hour ago he finally made the leap; a brief call to Nanahara asking to meet up and a random location selected. For all the worrying he’s done over the problem very little thought was actually put into its execution. “Though I thought I might jump straight in, if it does not bother you.” He grimaces inwardly at the poor choice of words. It will bother him. It bothers Taiki. The other man looks a little surprised at the sudden agenda but immediately nods.

“Please do!” Ah… Nanahara is, regretfully, very nice. It’s obvious why Senri likes him.

“It is a very selfish way to begin, but I want you to understand that under normal circumstances I would never bring this up.” Nanahara frowns but lets him continue uninterrupted. “And I am very sorry for what I am about to do.” The gray surrounding the man multiplies as more fear and anxiety is introduced. Taiki inhales, hesitating briefly before diving in. “You need to tell Nakao.” A pause and he clarifies. “About your medical condition.”

There’s a moment of stunned silence and then Nanahara’s features go slack, jaw falling open in a perfect O of surprise. Taiki can’t keep up with the man’s emotions but when they abruptly halt on guilt and heart-breaking sadness he feels the weight of what he’s just done. This is a secret he shouldn’t know and he’s just ordered someone to out themselves to another.


“How did you… That is, why…?” Nanahara’s head jerks to the right as he attempts to respond; his brown eyes are glazed slightly in shock and his mouth still hangs open. Taiki drops his eyes to the table, ashamed.

“I am sorry. Please, if you do not then I will.” A full minute of painful silence ticks by before Nanahara pushes his chair back, the legs scraping against the laminate floor. Head still bowed, Taiki watches from his peripherals as the man stands and shuffles to the door; he’s sure Nanahara is on autopilot, the man’s mind far from the coffee shop.

The brunet doesn’t make it but a few steps outside the entrance before he brings a hand up, covering his mouth. Nanahara bends at the waist, squeezing his eyes shut as if suddenly in pain and Taiki shifts his gaze back to the tabletop.

[what]the plot thickens, [what]your aura is very marbley, [what]i know more than you think i know

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