Part 2.1: February 25

Nov 03, 2010 15:58

February 25

There is a certain peace in his desk-work. While he enjoys the occasional field job, nothing can compare to old-fashioned research. It was only at Murasawa’s insistence that he switched over to electronic notes; though his personal records are still kept in slim black journals. He hasn’t been able to move on from the tangibility and reassurance of paper and ink.

The past three days he’s seen little of the outside world. Food is running low but he can survive on very little; add to that a reasonably priced noodle shop that delivers to his area and he’s unlikely to be shift anytime soon. Two messages from Nakao on his phone and one in his email inbox await response. He’s started several replies but in the end there’s really nothing to say; he doesn’t want to be bothered.

And then there’s Shuichi.

The athlete called just moments after the interview concluded. It took a full 45 minutes to calm the panicked man down; Shuichi understood the possible ramifications of what he’d just done. Though Shuichi was afraid of losing his position at FC Tokyo, Taiki couldn’t help but express relief at the outing. Constantly hiding, looking over their shoulders, being apart for 8 months out of the year… It had taken a large toll on him lately. Previously he’d simply viewed it as the price of admission for their relationship, but then Paraguay, New York, Nobura and Halloween… Sometime over the past year things had changed for Taiki.

On the advisement of both agent and club manager Shuichi stayed with the team in Saitama. Brief phone calls had been exchanged but now all contact was short and rushed. Media reports tracked Shuichi’s every movement; he was the hottest story in Japan. Taiki assured him it would blow over and everyone would forget within the week but Shuichi was doubtful. Ranking third in terms of annual salary for the popular FC, the blond definitely had a loyal following with both soccer enthusiasts and women alike.

At present there is nothing to be done. Taiki is once more in limbo; after three years of their situation gradually relaxing he’s been set back to limited contact. He’s again in a situation where others are determining the plays in his personal life. A 2 minute 27 second interview upends everything.

Four hours into a book he found on Katsura-otoko and his mobile vibrates, buzzing over the desktop. He reaches out and snags the phone, tilting it at arm’s length until he can see the screen.


A quick press of the ‘end’ button and the call is sent to voicemail. He sits back, mentally apologizing to his friend as he resumes work. There’s not even time for him to settle before the phone is going off once more. He expects one of Nakao’s famous ‘I’ll keep calling you until you pick up’ routines but when he moves to shut the mobile down the screen flashes a text.

Call me NOW. Emergency.

There is a moment of debate. Senri’s emergencies have been known for their distinct lack of crisis. But he knows that he has no real option and just as he dials the phone vibrates in his hand. Taiki doesn’t even get a greeting out before Nakao is off, words tripping over themselves as they pour from the receiver.

“Get to your television now. News.” There’s a muffled thump and Taiki can hear Senri yell at someone. “Fuck me. -Are you seeing this bullshit?” He doesn’t want to get up. He doesn’t want to hear what the news had to say; if Senri is calling him over it then it must have something to do with Shuichi. If it is newsworthy then he is sure he doesn’t want to know. “Please tell me you knew he was going to do this. Jesus, the things you put up with… This is abuse, Taiki.” The drop in Nakao’s tone propels him to his feet, though they seemed to drag over the floor; this could be nothing good.

“Just tell me.” He is already to the hall. He doesn’t want to know what Shuichi has done, but hearing it from some gossiping television show is sure to be worse.

“I can’t… I- Jesus, he didn’t tell you…” And then Senri explodes. Swearing and ranting, the designer is no longer participating in the call. The television is on before he realizes he’s made it to the living room. It’s as if something else has taken possession of his body; he’s no longer in control of his actions. Channels flip by until scrolling text at the bottom of his screen catches his eye. A familiar name. It takes a minute for his mind to catch up and by then the written statement is being repeated. He doesn’t recognize the man reading and but the words are claimed to be Shuichi’s.

“…unauthorized interview conducted by reporter Yamane Kanako was broadcast Monday, February 22. The answers I provided -which were used without permission- have apparently fueled rumors concerning aspects of my personal life.

I am publicly denying all claims against my sexuality and personal life..."

Senri is still seething on the other end of the line but Taiki has stopped listening. He absently cuts off the call and lets the phone drop onto the couch. Black eyes stare at the television as the statement is repeated once more.

[what]nano2010, [plot]hamamatsuredux, [what]fiction, [when]present, [who]nakao senri

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