Munday: If Taiki was a car he'd be a lemon

Nov 30, 2009 20:28

What faults does your character have? What are they bad at? What can't they do? Tell us about the negative side of your character's personality, their physical and mental weaknesses.

1. Taiki fails heavily at anything remotely technical. He once took apart the clicker for the television because something inside was rattling...It ended up in three pieces and he couldn’t get it back together again. He once pulled out the spark plug cable while the car was running. He couldn’t tell you what a carburettor was and especially not its function...There is a reason he takes public transportation. He can have a complete manual detailing every single step for him to set up, say...a router...and he’d still muck it up. How he manages to actually successfully operate his computer is beyond me.

2. Taiki couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. He is horribly tone-deaf and will hardly hum around others. For him to sing would also require him to know the words to at least one song...I’m not sure he could manage it. Perhaps a nursery rhyme? Playing any sort of instrument is absolutely out of the question.

3. Even though he knows all about his chakra and can see (well...usually) his own aura, his life remains completely off balance. It should be easier for him given the advantage he has with his extra senses...but he is currently full of fail.

4. He can’t let go of the past. From the smallest, most inane things to the broadest most obscure problems; he just drags all of his baggage around with him wherever he goes. His scars (which honestly, no one cares about and wouldn’t notice if he didn’t react like such a spaz over them), less than appropriate choices he made in college (but not really surprising nor a big deal...I mean, he was a 21 year old boy!), Akito (okay, so that one is bad)…he takes everything and blows it out of proportion. He holds himself to a ridiculous standard; one that he would never even consider holding others to -because everyone else is human and is mistakes are forgivable (for the most part).

5. Taiki has ridiculous trust issues. It’s not about the fact that people will fail him; it’s rather more akin to not trusting them with his own secrets. Only a handful of people know about his extra senses, only one other person knows about Akito (and it is not Shuichi…Though that is coming soon), only those directly involved know about the incident back in high school and it is highly doubtful that he will ever tell anyone else…He holds his cards very close and is reluctant to divulge even the most basic and superficial information. But Taiki is a master at keeping everyone else’s secrets…He’s had practice with his own.

6. A direct result of him being “no bigger than a minute” and “a light breeze would blow him away”, physically he is less than impressive. He can generally get the jar of pickled vegetables open, and recently he moved the couch to make room for the kotatsu table...But he cannot defend himself and he had to recruit help to get the kotatsu out of the garage.

7. He would possibly slaughter a small village for his partner’s homemade miso soup. If any dubious characters were to come into possession of this knowledge they could undoubtedly con him into acts of great evil. There are no such things as morals when miso is on the line.

[comm]charloft, [what]ooc

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