Meta OOC-ness (groan, I know)

Nov 17, 2009 14:58

Who wants to see my PB make a fool of himself?

Earlier this year he played a rescue team member on an aptly named television show, RESCUE (yes, it's all makes it seem more important than it actually was). On a game show to promote RESCUE they had a challenge between all the cast members: who could put on their gas mask and oxygen gear the fastest...Yamamoto said he could do it the fastest but ended up losing. Of course. He should have stuck with moody, morose, psychics instead of a moody, morose rescue team member.

...Of course my mun found this and not the video of my PB punching a stupid boy-band twat right in the kisser. It would have been nice to have some kind of super manly clip instead of her just emasculating me more. But nooooooooo...(yes, that's my PB in drag...You know what, Hana Kimi was a very emotional and confusing time for him...)

AND STOP MAKING FUN OF MY PB'S DISNEY OBSESSION! It's hard enough for me to keep my overly emo rep without her posting this stuff all over the place.


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