Munday: Food!

Nov 09, 2009 13:35

1. What is your character's relationship with food? Is s/he a picky or hearty eater? Live to eat, or eat to live? Special dietary requirements?
Taiki has never been a hearty eater by any means. He is not picky, he is just more of a "grazer", eating a bit here and a bit there. His appetite his heavily tied to his mental health and so when things go south Taiki tends to eat very little and shed weight like none other.

2. Does your character have any food allergies, or substances s/he avoids for dietary reasons?
Taiki is allergic to strawberries. It is not anything life-threatening, they just make him sick. Certain spicy ethnic foods (such as some of the things he's not used to in South American) can make him a little ill, but otherwise that's it.

3. Has your character ever had any sort of eating disorder, food poisoning, or other food related difficulties?
Taiki most definitely has an eating disorder. At any sign of trouble the boy just stops eating...It is not something he is really conscious of at the time and he would never intentionally hurt himself for attention...buuuuut...It does cause those around him to worry.

4. What sort of ethnic foods did your character eat / learn to prepare as part of their cultural background?
Taiki is Japanese therefore his diet, when in country, consists almost entirely of traditional Japanese cuisine. He will occasionally have a hamburger or pizza, but he gets enough of that when he is away from home working. He travels frequently (well, not as much lately) to America and Argentina though he has not learned how to cook many traditional foods from those countries.

5. What is your character's comfort food?
Shuichi's homemade miso soup. And wasabi peas.

6. What food is his/her favorite food? Least favorite?
His favorite food is miso cuisine, more specifically Shuichi's miso soup. He also likes natto and other soybean (miso) based foods, much to the displeasure of everyone who might be around him. His least favorite food would be anything with cucumbers...or strawberries since he is allergic. He also does not like foods that are overly sweet generally.

7. Does your character cook for himself/herself? How well? Do they cook for others? Enjoy cooking, or view it as a chore?
Taiki can cook basic things, though he usually won't go to much effort if it is just for himself. Shuichi taught him how to cook a few things, but he'd prefer to just order something or go to a restaurant if he needs to prepare something for more than just one or two others. He views it as more of a pain, but that may be because he hasn't really had to cook much so far in life.

8. What sort of foods does your character purchase when grocery shopping? How often do they shop? Do they visit specialty food stores?
Rice, vegetables, tins of soup...Generally Taiki will just stop off at a small shop on the way home and pick up something quick to make if he is alone (and is remembering to eat that day). When by himself he will purchase pre-made or convenience packages so that he doesn't have to go to much effort. When he has someone else (usually Shuichi or now Aya) he will actually buy real food and put in an effort to create balanced meals. And the only specialty shops Taiki will visit is for seafood and teas, otherwise it can just be picked up at the grocery store.

9. Does your character ever hunt/fish/gather their own food? wouldn't know what to do with a weapon. He'd be more likely to hurt himself than actually kill anything to eat.

10. When eating out, what sort of restaurants do they choose? What do they order there?
If Shuichi is home it is naturally okonomiyaki restaurants (it is sort of like a Japanese pancake batter with noodles, meat, vegetables, and sauces added to the mix. It is cooked by the customers on a grill in their table), but otherwise he isn't very picky. Cold soba noodles or sushi or donburi...It honestly doesn't matter to him. If it is available then he will usually order some kind of miso-based food, else he'll get a noodle or rice bowl.

11. How are your character's table manners? Does s/he have dining etiquette enough to use the right fork? Chew with mouth open?
Taiki is very reserved and has good manners (in contrast to Shuichi). He could survive in a higher class restaurant, but mainly he'd just discretely watch others for ques as to utensil-etiquette...He's very adaptable.

12. How has your character's diet changed over their lifetime? Are there foods they hated and learned to eat?
Taiki is more prone to skip meals these days than when he was younger, but other than that his diet has not changed much. He has never been picky so there is nothing he has "learned to eat". He likes miso even more than he did growing up, but that is mainly because Shuichi makes such good soup.

[comm]charloft, [what]ooc

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