The Next Morning

May 31, 2009 22:16

Takes place after this.

Shuichi shifted and stifled a groan, rolling over to find a more comfortable spot; it wasn’t time to wake up yet...that he was sure of. But there was a soft sound in front of him and the warm body beside him moved. Taiki’s eyes cracked open and sleepy black orbs were revealed between lazy blinking. The man’s usually pale cheeks were still stained an angry pink from where tears had burned the skin the night before. Reaching out, Shuichi traced Taiki’s jaw line and smiled a bit sadly.

“How are you feeling?” His voice was gentle, if not a bit rough from sleep. Dark eyes silently considered his question as they roamed over his face; he knew his aura was being analyzed. A soft sigh blew against Shuichi’s skin and Taiki scooted closer to him. The only answer he received was a small, warm kiss pressed against his neck and the slight man burying his face against his shoulder. Shuichi watched as Taiki’s eyes closed once more and his breathing evened out... Within seconds he was asleep again. With a small sigh of his own, the blond carefully brought the blanket up to Taiki’s chin and then wrapped his arm protectively around the small waist.

He briefly tried to decipher the response as he himself drifted off. His final thought was that Taiki was probably not any better, despite the emotional purge the night before...not that Shuichi could blamed him...

[plot]new york

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