Charloft: Character features

Sep 20, 2011 11:19

1. What color are your character's eyes?
Black. Dark and all-seeing and likely quite creepy or unsettling to those unused to having someone stare at them for long periods of time.

2. What shape are they? (Are they deep-set? Close together? Large, or small comparatively to his face?)
He has large, attractively shaped almond eyes. They are likely the only remarkable feature on the pale, too-skinny, wisp of a wallflower.

3. Does he/she have any vision difficulties? Does he/she wear glasses or contacts to correct them?
Taiki wears contacts or glasses, depending on the time of day and activities.

4. Does he/she wear any eyeliner or eye makeup?

5. Has he/she ever had a temporary eye problem? (black eye, conjunctivitis)
No. He actually has a bit of a phobia when it comes to eye problems.

6. How expressive are his/her eyes?
He's fairly inexpressive as a general rule but the eyes may hold more of a hint. The more extreme the emotion the more they would likely show. Most often they are defaulted to a thoughtful/curious or blank set.

7. Does your character have any lines around his/her eyes?
Pppfffttt yes. Stress lines, fatigue lines, squinting lines -- I imagine he looks pretty worn out most of the time.

1. What size are your character's ears, comparatively to the rest of his/her head?
They're of an average size and don't stick out much. He keeps his hair just a touch long so they cover a good portion of his ears.

2. Does he/she have any hearing difficulties? Are they corrected / correctable?
Nothing other than remarkable selective-hearing abilities.

3. Does he/she have any piercings? (if so, what kind of earrings does he/she wear?)

4. Is your character prone to any ear infections or other ear troubles?


1. What shape is your character's nose? (aquiline, hooked, etc)
Taiki actually has delicate features that, when he's the proper weight, may flirt with a bit of androgyny. He has a small, slim, almost feminine aquiline or straight-edged nose.

2. Is his/her nose pierced?

3. How healthy is his/her respiratory system? Does she/he suffer a lot of colds, or sinus difficulties?
He's not an especially healthy guy to begin given his extreme diet -- Taiki doesn't get sick often but when he does they tend to be a little rough on him and hang on for quite a while. A minor sniffle or cough would likely escalate and may knock him out for some time.

4. Has his/her nose ever been broken?

1. How large / small is your character's head, comparatively to their body size?
He's extremely underweight and so features may seem quite exaggerated as a result. His head is likely of a normal size given his height and build but when posted at the end of a long, rail-thin neck, it probably seems like a giant bony globe.

2. Any unusual head shape?

4. Have they ever suffered a head injury?
A moderately severe concussion (either grade II or III, depending on the scale -- loss of consciousness for seconds) when he was a 3rd year in high school.

5. Does your character suffer from any migraines or tension headache? How frequent?
Very much so. Doctors have said that it may be from the above mentioned concussion but Taiki writes that off because he remembers having them in junior high. It is likely some combination of hormones, stress, eye-strain, fatigue, and alllllllllll that tension he keeps bottled up (except when it escapes in the form of a nice oozing ulcer). Organically, they occur about once a month. Second-hand empathy migraines are... as predictable as you might imagine.

6. Does your character like hats? What styles?
Taiki has no personal style. They would just be warm knit hats in the winter. Likely black or gray.

1. What shape is your character's face?
If he was of a healthy weight then it would be a nice heart shape. Now it is a little more... skeletal? His cheekbones are quite pronounced.

2. Do they have any facial blemishes / pimples / dry or oily skin?
His skin is fairly dull. It's still pale and nice enough to send Senri into violently envious fits, however.

3. Do they have any beauty marks or moles?
Nothing prominent.

4. What kind of chin does your character have?
It comes to a fine, almost delicate point. He's small boned and just this side of androgynous -- there is nothing masculine, nor overly feminine about him.

5. How symmetrical is your character's face?
It... depends on how rushed the mangaka was that day? There were some panels where his eyes were... really off. However, normal human discrepancies aside, I don't think there is anything terribly noticeable.

6. Does your character have any facial piercings?

7. How physically attractive / unattractive is your character's face?
Currently? Not attractive by most standards. He is dangerously underweight and more or less a wallflower. Those giant constantly-staring black eyes are probably even more creepy when attached to such gaunt face, and they're likely his best feature. If he got back up to a healthier weight then he would be fairly attractive -- nothing that would immediately grab most people because he always has and always will blend quite nicely with the background.

1. What color and length is your character's hair?
He wears it a bit longer -- a shaggy-short? It's always been styled the same. Currently it is a dull black because, as mentioned a million times before in this post, he is malnutritioned.

2. Is their hair straight, curly, or wavy? Thick or thin? Balding?
Straight, thick, fine hair. Always parted to the side.

3. What are their eyebrows and eyelashes like? (bushy, thick, thin, long, etc) Neither his eyelashes nor eyebrows are long. Eyebrows of a medium thickness and they frame his eyes well. One of these days Senri will probably try to pin him down and attempt to attack him with tweezers to get those few strays but... that is actually quite a chore when the target is a psychic.

4. Do they color their hair? how often?
Never. The thought would never even occur to him.

5. How often do they get a hair cut / style? Where do they go to get their hair done?
As...often as he thinks of it? Whenever it gets too shaggy? He's likely gone to the same hole-in-the-wall place since moving in (because routine is important), always getting the same trim from the same person.

6. Do they wear any hair ribbons, scrunchies, or other hair ornaments?

7. Do they have any facial hair (mustache, beard in men - what style? unwanted facial hair in women)
If he does have any facial hair then it would likely be patchy and thin. However Taiki keeps clean-shaven and the hair doesn't grow very fast.

8. Do they ever 'dress up' their hair? (braid it, put it in a bun or coiff)
Hair product and different styles have been attempted once or twice in secret, only to be immediately abandoned because he thought he looked ridiculous. Now he just wears it the same way every day. Wash it, condition it (because Senri would flip his shit otherwise and be even more of a pain), blow dry it in the winter, comb it, go.

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