Drabble - Jazz/Smokescreen/A Long Time Ago

Nov 03, 2010 23:22

Smokescreen lay half across Prowl’s chest as he listened to the quiet humming of Jazz and Prowl’s systems during their recharge. Smokescreen wondered if it had really been tens of thousands of vorn previously that he had first known these two. In some ways, the time seemed to have passed in a moment, and others it seemed as though it had been tens of thousands of vorn more.

Smokescreen remembered those beautiful, bright, and golden days with clarity, but in the darkness, he was painfully reminded the safety he felt in these moments was little more than a frail illusion.

Master Archive - November 2010 Archive - 100 Drabbles - Prompt Table

transformers: prowl, post type: fic, fandom: transformers, transformers: jazz, transformers: smokescreen, verse: bayverse, series: 100 drabble, fic length: drabble

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