Tonite's movie is...

Feb 09, 2006 15:16

Wallace and Gromit and something about the were rabbit.  selector23 said that thai dish was good and it was open.  Looks like Thai for dinner!  I have to stop by shear country so Kay can cut my hair and then home.  I still have the house to myself and it's pretty quiet.   The puppies and I just settle in downstairs in the media room curl up on the couch (actually the big butt chair) and watch a movie.  As much as I like to get things done and actually cross something off my list or prepare for the next day, I have found that a little down time has been beneficial.  Though I have been a slacker as of late, so my movie nights will slowly be coming to an end.  I need to clean out my office.  But the list is soooo long.
  1. Clean emails off the laptop - print off keepers and file
  2. Clean emails off the PC - print off keepers and file
  3. Reformat both pc's - upgrade the OS's to 2000 - (shut up I know)
  4. Go thru the filing cabinet, box up long term keeps and shred crap
  5. Cut and Paint new boards for shelving
  6. Go through and organize office supplies
  7. Move and Rewire The printers
  8. Set up the Wireless printer server
  9. Go through programming books get rid of old ones
  10. Clean off my desk
  11. File paperwork
  12. Get all improtant papers together for Safety Deposit Box
  13. Find someone to make a DVD copy of my external Hard-Drive.
  14. Go through the warranty Notebook files and clean out
  15. Organize CAr notebook
  16. Organize Both Dogs Medical files
  17. Update the utilities Database and then throw out bill receipts

Just a start.  What I need is a SNOW DAY!  I can get a large part of that done in a day.  As long as I don't have anything better to do.  It really doesn't have to actually be better, pretty much anything else IS Better.

Now I just worked myself into an anxiety attack.  I'm still gonna watch the movie.  I may hate mysefl later, but I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it.  Slacker.


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